Tuesday, March 18, 2008

"A More Perfect Union"

Obama, in a very real sense, gave the speech about race in America that I've wanted to hear my entire life: genuine, personal, intelligent, and direct. Today's speech wasn't about right or left, black or white, man or woman. Today Barack Obama gave a speech about basic human dignity, dignity that all of us deserve. You know the best part of the speech? It wasn’t soaring. It wasn’t rhetorical. It was a talk, adult to adult, positive but honest.

There is an intense and powerful force lying waiting in America....it is the longing for true leadership that addresses the basic goodness of the American spirit, pays tribute to the better part of ourselves as partners in a great adventure, and calls upon us to join together and give of ourselves for the common good.

The candidate who strikes that chord...who recognizes and encourages and calls upon Americans to use their strengths to solve problems instead of placing fears to divide us, can lead us in a new direction and away from the disaster we are now facing -- militarily, economically, ecologically, spiritually and ethically.

That candidate spoke today...from the heart....and to the heart.

A true leader. He inspires us toward our better angels not just with words, but with actions. He could have reacted to all of this so differently. He could have come out swinging, or disowned Wright, or tried to let things blow over. But he reacted with strength, truth, and humility. And in doing so he leads us by example toward our better nature.

He compels me not to just to want to be a better human being; but to know that I can be a better human being without either sacrificing my dignity or buying into the easy temptation to simplify and dismiss the "other" for the sake of feeling "right."

A shift has occurred in American minds and desires. It's a beautiful thing.


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