Monday, March 17, 2008

+20 Obama

From "The Feed" off of

"Barack Obama might be courting the ever-important geek vote by reaching out to Comic-Con in the hopes of making an appearance there, according to reports. No, we are not kidding. Now, we've got no idea what Senator Obama might be wanting to do there, aside from the fact that he could very well be a comic book fan, but we think it's pretty damn cool, nonetheless. Wouldn't it be hilarious to see Obama at the convention engaged in some cosplay, or waiting in line to meet Brian Michael Bendis or some such? Now that's the audacity of hope, friends, and we LOVE it."

and from the Fark files...

"I met Obama back in 2004, right after he spoke at the DNC, and he was really cool. Hung out, drank coffee with locals, whole deal. Absolute gentleman, with a good head on his shoulders. Apparently, he's also quite the closet gamer/comic nerd - he hinted to me that he used to play D&D, but it's probably not the sort of thing that he's going to bring up at most debates."

WHAT? if this is true...I have a perma MANCRUSH on B.O.! I need to hear him yell out "I am the GODDAM Batman" at a debate now. TIGHT!
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