Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'm asking you...

Getting paid royalties for music is pretty sweet. Whenever I get these kinds of checks I like to purchase things that I can look at and be bought me that. Items that I have gotten from past checks are: Ipod, Xbox 360, Snowboard, Recording equipment, etc. I mean I'm not going to be able to quit my 9-5 off these things unless they send my Kanye's by accident but I like to be able to have something for the work I put in. Well, I got my BMI check yesterday and I want to figure out what to do with it so I'm asking you all. Should I...A- Save it since the economy is in the crapper (goes against Mark Dago's BMI spending rules) B- Get a PS3 C- By a plane ticket to Minneapolis for my summer trip or D- Something else. Hit me up and let me know...
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John said...

I'd save it.
Fuel prices lead to freight increases which leads to further inflation. You know that as well as anyone.

Don't buy a PS3. You can borrow mine if you're dying to see how lame they are.

I'd wait til last minute for your plane ticket to MN. Worst case you can get a ride on a truck.

codyblaine said...

First of all - who goes to Minneapolic on vacation?

Second - the PS3 is a solid investment, more so for the Blu Ray player than the actual games cause you got those covered with the 360.

Buy some signed Gary Colemen photos on Ebay.