163? 163!!! I am a LARD arse. I am at the heaviest I have EVER been so me and some follies at work started a 1 month SLIM DOWN program. I hit the gym HARD this morning and I feel pretty good. I am back to calorie counting again. If I get back to 155lbs after the month I will feel good but the ultimate goal is one fitty.
We still ROCKED Provo this past Saturday night and this week, we goin’ to do it again!
Getting paid royalties for music is pretty sweet. Whenever I get these kinds of checks I like to purchase things that I can look at and be like...music bought me that. Items that I have gotten from past checks are: Ipod, Xbox 360, Snowboard, Recording equipment, etc. I mean I'm not going to be able to quit my 9-5 off these things unless they send my Kanye's by accident but I like to be able to have something for the work I put in. Well, I got my BMI check yesterday and I want to figure out what to do with it so I'm asking you all. Should I...A- Save it since the economy is in the crapper (goes against Mark Dago's BMI spending rules) B- Get a PS3 C- By a plane ticket to Minneapolis for my summer trip or D- Something else. Hit me up and let me know...
I am a writer and yet I own not one word. Not own as in like a car or a house, but own as in it’s mine in a way that I can point at it and say I stand behind the spirit and intention and manifestation. Everything, in one form or another, gets reinterpreted or changed or rewritten completely. The word really is instant gratification. There is no middle person involved, no one to CLEAR these ideas with or have them sit on a shelf and wait a week or a month or a year and hope they see the light of day. It takes seconds to see if my rants/raves have currency in the marketplace of ideas.
Write, Publish, Experience.
Because some days, this here makes room and space and sanity for that there. Feel me?
Obama, in a very real sense, gave the speech about race in America that I've wanted to hear my entire life: genuine, personal, intelligent, and direct. Today's speech wasn't about right or left, black or white, man or woman. Today Barack Obama gave a speech about basic human dignity, dignity that all of us deserve. You know the best part of the speech? It wasn’t soaring. It wasn’t rhetorical. It was a talk, adult to adult, positive but honest.
There is an intense and powerful force lying waiting in America....it is the longing for true leadership that addresses the basic goodness of the American spirit, pays tribute to the better part of ourselves as partners in a great adventure, and calls upon us to join together and give of ourselves for the common good.
The candidate who strikes that chord...who recognizes and encourages and calls upon Americans to use their strengths to solve problems instead of placing fears to divide us, can lead us in a new direction and away from the disaster we are now facing -- militarily, economically, ecologically, spiritually and ethically.
That candidate spoke today...from the heart....and to the heart.
A true leader. He inspires us toward our better angels not just with words, but with actions. He could have reacted to all of this so differently. He could have come out swinging, or disowned Wright, or tried to let things blow over. But he reacted with strength, truth, and humility. And in doing so he leads us by example toward our better nature.
He compels me not to just to want to be a better human being; but to know that I can be a better human being without either sacrificing my dignity or buying into the easy temptation to simplify and dismiss the "other" for the sake of feeling "right."
A shift has occurred in American minds and desires. It's a beautiful thing.
"Barack Obama might be courting the ever-important geek vote by reaching out to Comic-Con in the hopes of making an appearance there, according to reports. No, we are not kidding. Now, we've got no idea what Senator Obama might be wanting to do there, aside from the fact that he could very well be a comic book fan, but we think it's pretty damn cool, nonetheless. Wouldn't it be hilarious to see Obama at the convention engaged in some cosplay, or waiting in line to meet Brian Michael Bendis or some such? Now that's the audacity of hope, friends, and we LOVE it."
and from the Fark files...
"I met Obama back in 2004, right after he spoke at the DNC, and he was really cool. Hung out, drank coffee with locals, whole deal. Absolute gentleman, with a good head on his shoulders. Apparently, he's also quite the closet gamer/comic nerd - he hinted to me that he used to play D&D, but it's probably not the sort of thing that he's going to bring up at most debates."
WHAT? if this is true...I have a perma MANCRUSH on B.O.! I need to hear him yell out "I am the GODDAM Batman" at a debate now. TIGHT!
Your mental processes are speeded up now. You grasp new concepts very easily, but you tend to be impatient with slower minds or the usual, predictable routine. Nervous restlessness, impulsive or erratic behavior or speech, rushing and coming to a conclusion too quickly are likely at this time. So, be active and positive, laziness and depression should be avoided.
Certain hip hop groups are better at speaking on certain perspectives than others. The Clipse are a PERFECT example of that. I stumbled ontohttp://reupgang.blogspot.com/ and downloaded "We Got It For Cheap Vol 3"...on the mixtape they state "We just think we're better"...and you know what, I think they are. DOPE ISHT!
Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the mass identity we see in the making all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaws or heroes of some subculture but mainly to save themselves, to survive as individuals.
I finished some writing last week and I was sure I would never write anything such as strong. So every time I do write something, there is that fear, but I've sort of gotten past that fear enough times to know that there will always be a stronger idea. It comes along.
Maybe my reason for writing is, I've fallen into a point in my life where I am fantastically nostalgic about my growing up, and I really wanted to go back and explore all those memories. My growing up was really salty, but I want to be honest and prove to myself that I'm not nostalgic for the actual past; I'm nostalgic for being a child again, and for the family I've lost.
That's the entire point, to get yourself to a place that you couldn't have planned or calculated, that is kind of beyond what you think you're capable of. At that moment, you feel like you've done enough when you've gone a little bit too far, because otherwise, if you don't go that little bit too far, later you'll wish you had. You just keep reminding yourself, it's just words on the page.
I checked out “Be Kind Rewind” with K, Marissa and Fisch this past weekend. After the flick we walked around and looked at the “Coming Soon” posters. I knew there were a fistful of must sees for myself this summer but it seemed like every poster I passed I was like that looks good, that looks good, that…you get it. When did the “man” at Hollywood make the decision to start feeding my inner geek with his power TEATS! I put together a list of my summer movie agenda, check it out. I know I am missing a couple…I’ll catch matinees for those (or maybe Brewvies).
21 (March 28th) Inspired by the book “Bringing Down The House”…Where a group of gifted MIT students took Vegas for millions by counting cards. It’s a great story based on realness but the trailer kind of makes it look flashy with little substance. Not to mention a flavor of the month cast.
Forbidden Kingdom (April 18th) The first project with Jackie Chan and Jet Li. That’s really all I need to know.
Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden (April 18th) No, Morgan Spurlock didn’t find him. This film got mixed reviews at Sundance. I like Spurlock. He likes to break balls. Harold And Kumar Escape Guantanamo (April 25th) I hope they have Doogie Howser snorting coke in this one…maybe off a unicorn or something. This is a matinee for sure and I better laugh hard.
Iron Man (May 2nd) The trailers keep getting better and better. R.D.J. is going to RULE as Tony Stark. In my top 3 of the Summer that I NEED to see.
Speed Racer (May 9th) A live action Wachowski Brothers take on the iconic “Speed”. Matt Fox as Racer X? wouldn’t have been my choice but let’s see how all this plays out.
Indiana Jones 4 (May 22nd) Not sure why they needed to make a 4th Indy film but hey…I’m in. I hope that Speilberg reins in Lucas. He his muddied up my childhood with those Star Wars prequels. I hope it doesn’t happen again.
The Happening (June 13th) M. Night and an apocalyptic theme, teats on a reatz. Even when he misfires (Signs, The Village) he’s still dope. And it comes out on Friday the 13th. Spooky.
The Incredible Hulk (June 13th) Ed Norton re-wrote the screenplay for this one. He is incorporating a BUNCH of mythology (I.E. The Prometheus Myth) and I drool over ISHT like that. I didn’t think Bana’s Hulk was horrible but I am anxious to see how Norton handles the role and the material. I think he is one of the best actors working. Tony Stark (R.D.J.) has a guest spot in this. First rule about Hulk.
WALL-E (June 27th) The last Robot on Earth and he kind of looks like ET. I’m thinking it’s more like the true Hollywood story of R2-D2. Elektra says this is the #1 movie of the summer. Kids and their cartoons.
Hellboy 2 (July 11th) So far the animated Hellboy movies (I.E. “Sword Of Storms”) rock more than the live action flicks. This one looks to shake it up. Mike M. and Del Toro say that this one is more about folklore and fairy tales than pulp. You know what happens when Del Toro takes on fairy tales.
The Dark Knight (July 18th) We ALL need to posse up to this one. This is the movie event of 2008.
X Files 2 (July 25th) X Files in the 90’s is what LOST is to me now. I NEED answers.
Choke (August 1st) I missed this at Sundance and it was THE film I wanted to check. Once it was picked up it was fast tracked with a release date in August. Filmed in New Jersey over 25 days with a budget of 3.4 milly…People keep saying this is Sam Rockwell’s break-out roll.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (August 15th) Me and my cartoons…a 3D CGI animated project set between EP2 and 3. Yeah, Lucas keeps EFFing up my childhood but the whole mythology of the Jedi/Sith gets the better of me. I’d call it a mind trick but that only works on the WEAK minded.