More Yo Ho Ho…
Pirates chased and shot at a U.S. cruise ship with more than 1,000 people on board but failed to hijack the vessel as it sailed along a corridor patrolled by international warships, officials said Tuesday.
The captain of the M/S Nautica ordered passengers inside and gunned the engine, allowing the ship to outrun the pirates' speedboats in the Gulf of Aden on Sunday, a company spokesman said.
"It is very fortunate that the liner managed to escape," said Noel Choong, who heads the International Maritime Bureau's piracy reporting center in Malaysia. He urged ships to remain vigilant in the area.
In a statement on its Web site, Oceania Cruises, Inc. said pirates fired eight rifle shots at the liner, but that the ship's captain increased speed and managed to outrun the skiffs.
"When the pirates were sighted, the captain went on the public address system and asked passengers to remain in the interior spaces of the ship and wait until he gave further instructions," said Tim Rubacky, spokesman for Oceania. "Within five minutes, it was over," he said.
December Looks GREAT! (other than my lack of concentration…Huh, What?)
Career, Incomes and Gains
There will be income from various sources comparing to the previous period. Your plans and schemes would be working properly. This is an excellent period for you. Each one of these three planets will render good support to you in all your undertakings. There may be some good news from a foreign land. Help will come from the higher authorities. You will also get opportunity to have good relation with powerful people in society. At the same time, transiting Jupiter shows Increase of knowledge. You will move in the company of saintly people.
Love, Family and Social Life
Some solid improvements in life would be possible. You will want your loving companion to be there for you, to share in your ups and downs, and to show loyalty and commitment to the relationship.
Education and Traveling
A lack of concentration as well as interest may spoil your education prospects. Now you would be much attracted towards other things than education. Even, during this month you would be slightly confused and not able to take a suitable decision according to current circumstances.
An ordinary health would be enjoyed by you.
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