Ok. I’m calling my shot here. This has been the BEST season of LOST yet. The season ender is upon us and I have been trying to get to it as spoiler free as I can. At the beginning of season 3.5 I asked a few questions, let’s revisit those…
-The others and how they relate to the “Outside” world
”The Man Behind The Curtain” gave us some info on the Island and Dharma, but asked more questions then it answered.
-How long the events on the Island been going on
See above.
-What exactly was the incident as mentioned in the Orientation films
Maybe the Dharma purge, maybe not.
-Who is the guy sporting the eye patch and what hatch was he broadcasting from
Mikhail and he was in the Flame.
-The four-toed statue foot
No mention of this whatsoever, there was a crazy old pillar.
-The black rock
It has dynamite in it and we already knew that.
-The monster
It does not like the security system of Otherville. Still a mystery.
-The supply drops
Linked to the computer in the Flame, maybe?
-The Michael & Walt saga
No sighting of either of these two.
-Why can Desmond see the future
Repercussions of blowing up the Swan.
-What is The Disease a.k.a. The Sickness
No mention of this.
-The Others “list” and who “Jacob” is
Not sure about the list but “Jacob” in the chair scarred the Be-Jesus out of me.
-Where are the “children” on the island
Hanging out with Cindy?
-What are the repercussions to the Swan implosion...And why did the sky light up
Nakie Desmond running through the Jungle with future seeing powers. Other effects unknown at this time.
My new theory and I’m sticking to it…this show is about Time Travel (I.E. Thought Experiments). There are way to many references to this…google or wiki the following and get yourself learned!
-Gedanken Experiment
-Quantum Mechanics
-Schrodinger’s Cat
What about the Lost City Of Atlantis? Maybe they are in the Garden Of Eden? Parallel timelines? Does the Osirian Clock tick to the Apocalypse? And maybe, just maybe…Hanso got ahold of the Djed Pillar (Kabbalah anyone?).
Now, while the average TV viewer would think this is WAY to heavy to digest it makes for PERFECT fodder for creative writers, producers, etc. The subject of MYTHOS runs deep and if you get a chance READ “The Hero With A Thousand Faces” (It’s a good starting point). This show is so deep and has so many layers. It’s challenging and I like that.
The finale, not sure what to expect here. I just want to watch it, I can’t guess anymore. Think of the most possible thing that can happen and expect the opposite.
The five deaths…
Charlie (His character has come full circle)
Naomi (Can’t TRUSS her)
Price (Ben’s new muscle)
Bernard (out of the three shooters he gets the least amount of screen time)
Juliette (I just needed another female on this list, she’s outtie!)
After tomorrow night, no more LOST until 2008! I hope whatever “Game Changer” they have it will keep me saying “Huh? What?” for about eight months. I’m sure it will…
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