Nine LONG years since the JAZZ have been in this spot and it feels REALLY good. They tried to gift wrap game five for Golden State (I.E. the disastrous 4th quarter) but they held it steady at the line, Fischer came through (again) and AK-47 has some long arms. The “small ball” approach back fired on the Warriors (Tonight it was Ellis instead of Biedrins, huh?) a la the Boozer effect and there were some more of those BULLY moves that we saw in the previous efforts from the G.S.W.’s. Even with this, the series was fun to watch and them Warriors were Hungry. Next up, Spurs/Suns. I think the Jazz match up better with Phoenix but It doesn’t look like that is going to happen (Thanks Robert Horry!). Boozer isn’t going to able to have his way in the paint this time around. He will be going against Tim Duncan. Yeah, outlook not so good. It CAN be done…but the turnovers have to be minimal at best and they HAVE to hit their free throws (they are after all…FREE). Here’s to the JAZZ getting back to the Finals. No B-Russ to push off this time.
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