Welcome back to The Bestest (A.K.A.the year in review ’09). It was the year of the earth ox. The oxen was plentiful providing some important movies, Inter-tube moments, def music and visions of future. Keep in mind, everything I list here is 1) I.M.O and 2) things I have seen, listened too, experienced, played, etc. And so it begins…
Invincible Iron Man (Marvel Comics)
Matt Fraction/Salvador Larroca
The best comic of 2009 and the best story arch with “Worlds Most Wanted”
Tony Stark has been ousted from his government position and is now on the run from the law. A surprising change of direction for Iron Man, as the man who was charged with upholding the law has the tables turned on him. How far will he go to evade capture? Are his actions justified, or is he compromising the very ideals that he fought for during Marvel's "Civil War" event? Fraction continues to use giant Marvel crossover events as a springboard for exciting and fun stories. Fraction's madness, fast pace, and heart beneath the cool keeps me engaged like few can.
LOST: Season five is my second favorite season of LOST. Flashbacks, flash forwards…flashes through time. From 70’s Dharma to ‘The Life And Death Of Jeremy Bentham’ time travel was a key component to the direction the show is/was headed. By the season finale, I was getting nosebleeds. 2010 gives us the last act in this supernatural/sci fi amalgam…the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? (see what I did there?). I will be a sad monkey when this is over.
The Venture Brothers: You would think a cartoon that parodies many 70’s/80’s cartoons would get tired after awhile. No worries…it’s as funny, awkward and clever as ever. Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer have even created some plotlines that can be followed and you even start to care about some of the characters. Season four is INSANE!
Dexter: I got caught up on ‘Dexter’ in 2009 (I burned through the first three seasons of the show over the summer). As he says ‘Paradox personified’ …it’s hard not to like Dexter and love the show. I am waiting for the DVD’s of season four and have tried to remain MOSTLY spoiler free (damn you twitter!). I am really drawn to the Chuck Palahnuikesque’ inner dialog of our hero. Miguel Prada was EPIC.
Honorable mentions: The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack, Weeds & Fringe.
2010 look ahead:
List season 6, Dexter season 4 dvd's, Fringe season 2 dvd's & Venture Brothers season 4 dvd's.
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