What’s up my peoples!
K and myself will be attending THREE Sundance movies tomorrow (reviews to come). Big ups to Facts for letting me watch an advance screening of “The Wrestler” (yes, it’s still not here in Utah & review to come). I am CRAZY sore from snowboarding yesterday at Rob Reds resort. The Soreness has made me cranky. And because Chris Rock is making me miss the season premier of “LOST” tomorrow night…I leave you with this!
The 20 or so Questions that I hope LOST answers this season…
What happened to the island at the end of last season?
Has FutureSun gone bad?
Is Ben working against the Island?
Why does the Island want everyone back? And what does back mean, anyway?
What are "The Rules"?
Is Desmond the only character unstuck in time?
What's Charlotte's secret & Was she born on the island?
Is Miles a clue about Hurley?
What Is The DHARMA Initiative?
Is Jin really dead?
What was the test that Richard gave Locke?
What happened to Claire?
Why hasn't Richard aged?
Who is Matthew Abaddon?
What is Charles Widmore's history with the island?
How did Locke become Jeremy Bentham?
What's the origin of the donkey wheel?
What or who is Jacob?
Feel free to elaborate…DAG!
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