Greetings! Enjoy my "BEST OF" list...I know I have missed something but I'm not sure what it is? Be sure the check out http://factsoflife.wordpress.com/ as well. Facts knows his ISHT...
Best Movies Of 2007:
1) The Bourne Ultimatum- I don't like to use the term "EVER" that much (or "NEVER" for that matter). However, some of the best foot and car chases EVER filmed are in here. Such a well made action film (The movie went by as almost as fast as the camera work. I've never thought of Matt Damon as a legitimate action star or even a good actor until he stepped into Jason Bourne's shoes. The slam bang conclusion to one of the most unique and adult action franchises EVER made.
2) Zodiac- A righteous epic about San Francisco's Zodiac killer. Fincher offers a cathartic "close to the exact" spectacle that made his name into an "A" lister. Not just another serial killer movie, but the LAST one.
3) The King Of Kong- On the surface, a documentary about the world record of Donkey Kong. In the end, it's not just about two guys who play video games but about the nature of competition. Hilarious flick and Billy Mitchell is still a douche bag.
4) Once- A film that reinvents the "Hollywood" musical. Simple without being simplistic. Everything about this film seems unforced and natural. The first jam in the back of the music store is a GEM! Wins you over without appearing to even try.
5) 300- Story holes? Yes…Stupid at times? Maybe…A Throwaway Epic? I wouldn't go that far. It's impossible not to be moved by "300"'s nonstop visual assault. Zack Snyder is going to ROCK "Watchmen"…I hope.
Honorable Mentions:
Oceans 13- The fun is infectious and possibly the best of the 3? Make your ears happy and pick up the soundtrack.
Ratatouille- An animated film that doesn't resort to fart jokes or pop culture wisecracks? One of the best Pixar features.
Sicko- A movie that demands you think and feel.
Michael Clayton- A throwback to trim, intelligent moral thrillers. It creeps up on you.
Transformers- Big and loud…the effects are put to brilliant use. No sound wave? And Megatron doesn't transform into a hand cannon? I'm sure there will be a zillion sequels to get it right.
I haven't seen the following and I'm sure I'll get a RASH of crap from it: No Country For Old Men, Atonement, Gone Baby Gone, There Will Be Blood, I'm Not There, The Assassination Of Jesse James, Juno, Into The Wild, Eastern Promises…I need to frequent the Broadway Cinemas a little more in 08'.
Best Hip-Hop LP's of 2007:
Jay Z "American Gangster"
Jay-Z doing what he does best. Vintage lyrics and a fresh approach to the idea of an "Hip Hop Concept Album". An expansion of rhythm and poetry and the return of the king! Oh yeah…if the rumor of Apple launching a record deal with Sean Carter is confirmed…good night Music Industry.
Styles Of Beyond "Razor Tag"
A set up for the long awaited "Rocket Surgery" and one of the best releases of 07'…and it' a mix cd? Hip Hop music the way it should be done. I still blast "It's Us" at least once a day. Good for the mind, body and soul.
Kanye West "Graduation"
Sounds a lot like the electro-rap movement of the early 80's but with a more finished touch. I get a little bored with the constant reminders of his past successes and keen fashion sense. I have HIGH expectations for this guy…he is a unique persona in hip hop and has the drive to keep pushing the boundaries. "Drunk And Hot Girls" sucks.
Honorable mentions: Common "Finding Forever", Brother Ali "The Undisputed Truth", Evidence "The Weatherman LP", Talib Kweli "Eardrum" & Percee P "Perseverance.
Best TV Moments of 2007:
1) The flash "forward" on LOST ("Through The Looking Glass").
2) The Sopranos "Fade To Black" ending ("Made In America").
3) Robot Chicken "Star Wars Special"
4) Any scene with Leon from Curb Your Enthusiasm (Season 6)
5) Flight Of The Concords "Hiphopopptamus VS Rhymenoceros"
Best Comic Books & Moments Of 2007:
1) The Immortal Iron Fist: The current arc, The Seven Capital Cities Of Heaven, exceeds expectations as the kung fu tournament to end all tournaments unfolds. Fat Cobra, Heroes For Hire AND the wicked Bride Of Nine Spiders (oh, the web she weaves). I salivate when I see this in my hold each and every month. Side note: Marvel…"Iron Fist" should be your next straight to DVD Animated Feature. But have Brubaker and Faction write it. "Young Avengers" looks awful.
3) Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born. "The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." A mini-series that IS better than the source material? One of the best mini-series released by Marvel…ever? A focused masterpiece.
3) Madman Atomic Comics: The Allred's and Frank E. find their mojo again. Madman was Adult Swim before cartoons were cool.
4) Criminal: Noir? Heist stories? Revenge tales? Crime fiction and character exploration? Up it's own ass? Hardly…Criminal nails dark and genius.
5) Numbs Invade Comic-Con 2007. Panic attacks, Long HOT lines, wall to wall fan boys (and girls) & getting the geek on'…a MUST do at least once in your lifetime. If I go next year and dress up like Darth Maul, Spock or any other Sci-Fi Douche Bag…bitch slap me back into reality, delicious.
*Extra Bonus*
Skrullektra! A.K.A. New Avengers #31. The shape of things to come in 2008! Let's hope Bendis delivers. We don't need another "Civil War" on our hands.
Best Video Game 2007:
1) "BioShock" (Xbox 360)
A first-person shooter turned morality play, a thinking person's action game, a piece of electronic fiction with a soul. There are many positive ways to describe this gripping game and they're all true. There's just nothing else like this eerie vision of an undersea social experiment gone horribly wrong. The elegant controls sold me on this one. However, in my opinion…not much payoff at the end.
2) Mass Effect (Xbox 360)
RPG's aren't the hip thing in gaming these days, but Mass Effect brings back some of that old-school, story-driven, single-player magic. Set in a rich, original science-fiction universe, it approaches the long-sought-after ideal of game-as-interactive novel. You play a kind of galactic 007 agent on a mission to deal with another agent gone rogue. Bio-Ware build on their trademarked morality-focused gameplay but the skee-woomp-is controls of the "MAKO" almost made me drive off a cliff. I'm ore of a renegade than a paragon these days.
3) Ratchet And Clank: Size Matters (Sony PSP)
Yeah, I don't own a PS3. R.A.C.S.M. matches it's console inspiration almost exactly. It's packed with fantastic single-player content, has a strong multiplayer element, boasts a great visual and thematic presentation, and excels with razor-sharp gameplay mechanics. It's one of the few PSP titles out there that really shows off the system.
*Extra Bonus*
God Of War 2 (Playstation 2)
I haven't played "God Of War 2" or "God Of War 1" for that matter. I am told (by MANY of my peers and villains) GOW2 got overlooked. It's an amazing game that builds upon and goes beyond the original. A must and one of best PS2 games of all time. GOW2 is the only game this year that next-gen console owners should envy.
Assassin's Creed (PS3, Xbox 360)
An amazing blend of free-roaming action, stealth and platform jumping, Assassin's Creed sets a medieval hitman in a large world that feels wholly alive thanks to the stunning graphics, subtle detail, and the player's ability to interact with nearly every living and non-living thing in their environment. Epic, broad and sweeping. I cannot believe that this concept (they give away the big "turn" within the first minutes of the game) has not been used before (Maybe it has?).
BLANK Of The Year for 2007:
1) Drama Prairie Dog: 5 seconds in length and hundreds of parodies. I'll never listen to the "DUN DUN DUNNNNN" the same way again.
2) Keith Olbermann: Who knew that an ex-Sportscenter anchor could drop knowledge like this. His "Countdown" show on MSNBC is a must watch!
3) Brittany Spears: The VMA's, Chris Crocker and other meltdowns…rehab to courtroom to nightclub to jail. The word "train wreck" doesn't even scratch the surface.
4) Don't Tase Me Bro!: Let's be honest here…this Joker should have been tased when he stepped up to the podium. It has NOTHING to do with Skull and Bones but more to do with being a Douche Bag.
5) Mario: An Italian plumber who resembles my uncle Vicenzo has turned the Wi from a Nin-Ten-Don't to a Nin-ten-do. "Super Mario Galaxy" is atop many lists as the BEST GAME of 07'. It wasn't on mine, I don't own a Wi. However, an Icon is an ICON. What's next…Super Mario Bros on Ice? I'd buy that for a dollar.
Reasons to LIVE for 08'
-Elektra and the privilege of being her father
-Living and loving life with K
-Traveling (NY/NJ? MN? CA?…I'm sure I will be to all three this year)
-The Sundance Film Festival
-The Year Of The Rat
-The Utah Jazz in the NBA FINALS!
-The Dark Knight
-New Rotten Musicians and Numbs EP's
-Dr Dre "Detox"
-LOST season 4 (at least 8 episodes)
-Obama and CHANGE
Break Bread or Play Dead in 08'...
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