Rotten Musicians will finish recording the new EP on January 31st. I think it’s going to be 9 tracks long? The untitled new project should be out this Spring. The recording went by lightning quick. I think we started this at the end of Summer ’07. I can’t wait to listen to this amalgam of culture to see if it all gels. A different angle than the last one (Make A Face) for sure.
Numbs are working on the Linus EP. Red five says stay on target. I completed my solo song for the project already (even though I need to re-record it). We are playing with Special Teamz on January 30th here in SLC. Hochii & Swiss will be in town for it as well. We still need to get those guys JACKED up at the JACKALOPE.
I sent the following email to my direct report at work this past week…
I’d like to begin with saying how much I enjoy working at BLANK and specifically in the Dedicated division. I know we are meeting this week to discuss the weekend structure going forward and how my role pertains to this. There are a few issues that I would like to bring up first…
-A gift certificate was given to all BLANK Employees for BLANK this past Christmas. The weekend staff did not receive anything.
-At the Dedicated retreat in December. Clothing apparel was given to Dedicated employees and again…the weekend staff didn’t receive anything.
When I joined the Dedicated division in May of 2006 I was told by BLANK that I was to be included in the bonuses (Retention, Safety, The “Kicker” etc) as well. That never happened. Before we can move forward I think that we need to have a level playing field. I have been in this capacity for almost two years now and if new responsibilities are added to my job I appreciate the opportunity. I am committed to contributing to the company’s success in the future. I take my commitment to this company very seriously. Thanks for listening and I am looking forward to our meeting this week.
He replied with…
Are you kidding me?? You didn't receive a gift certificate? This is good to know......I have shirts and a binder for you in BLANKS office. I'm glad to hear these concerns as it shows me you committed and care. As for the safety and retention kickers are concerned, I am OK with implementing those for bonus it might not bee very beneficial in your case to be honest with you. We will discuss further.
I didn’t expect that reply at all. The main reason that I sent this out was to see where I stood and so far it seems better than I thought. So, when we spoke face to face…I got promoted. I am now the “Dedicated Weekend Supervisor”. I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you can see all kinds of things you can't see from the center.
Elektra is half way through the first grade. She is getting better at her reading and “speed boxes”. What I don’t want is her just hanging around until she has caught on. I want her mind to be a thing that works. I want her to keep it alive forever. I want her to do new things and not repeat what has done before.
I’ve been Snowboarding a few times this month. It feels good to be able to go down the Chickadee and not freefall (not to mention off of the lift). It is really addicting…now when I look at the mountains I get this feeling of excitement and adventure. I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go.
Ps. Elektra gave me a present this week. It was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. One of those round Smuckers kind. On the bag she wrote to her uncle “Uncle Coulton do not eat. This is for my daddy. If you touch it a laser will attack you. From Elektra”. She is so GREAT.
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