Season 3.5 of “LOST” starts back up tonight (2/7/07) and I have some new observations of the show. I think my “purgatory” perspective has been debunked and based on what we now know about flight 815 it is time to re-assess what is really going on with this show. I have noticed some parallels in a couple of books…”The Stand” by Stephen King and “The Watchmen” by Alan Moore. Some of the themes that run through these are the dualistic nature of good and evil, redemption and hope. Specifically…
-Good cannot be appreciated or striven for in the absence of bad.
-Characters are not painted as irretrievably lost.
-Given the opportunity and support, anyone can salvage their lives.
-We can strive to limit the effects of evil, but it will never be overcome.
-Evil can not been vanquished, but also that it can never triumph because within its very nature are the seeds of its destruction.
Dark vs Light, Fate vs Destiny, Faith vs Science, Live vs Death, Good vs Evil…
The real question in regards to Christianity and Lost is, quite simply, they focus on that religion over any other (maybe just a BIT more then Tao or Zen). Since the show seems to meld faith and science, the known and the unknown, it's a wonder just how far the religious question will go in the show, and what it will end up meaning to the overall scheme when all is said and done, When everything is known, what will the religious symbols throughout the show represent, and how significant will they be? Certainly, the symbolism will end up being no coincidence.
And what about…???
The idea of a “Utopia” and building the perfect society Rebirth/Reincarnation
The tie in’s with Greek Mythology and Eastern faiths
The Numbers AKA the Valenzetti equation
Character connections and coincidences
Maybe it’s just that their dreams are prophetic visions that end up coming true? I don’t know…but here are some of the other loose ends that STILL need to be tied up.
-The others and how they relate to the “Outside” world
-How long the events on the Island been going on
-What exactly was the incident as mentioned in the Orientation films
-Who is the guy sporting the eye patch and what hatch was he broadcasting from
-The four-toed statue foot
-The black rock
-The monster
-The supply drops
-The Michael & Walt saga
-Why can Desmond see the future
-What is The Disease a.k.a. The Sickness
-The Others “list” and who “Jacob” is
-Where are the “children” on the island
-What are the repercussions to the Swan implosion...And why did the sky light up
I am still along for the ride...this is going to ROCK!
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