Music: Numbs had a CRAZY good photo shoot this past Sunday afternoon. The local legend, Dave Tada (http://www.davetada.net) was in charge of this photo op adventure. He was commissioned by SL Weekly for this FOR an interview that they ran on us…(http://www.slweekly.com/article.cfm/souledout) I think Jenny did a great job with this but I am still confused on why people focus so much on our Utah County upbringing. Move and the way will open. The Salt Lake CD release party at Monk’s was off the heaze. The vibe from the crowd there was incredible. The energy and power was inspiring. The best show of 2007 so far. We have a Utah County gig planned for Tuesday night at The Big Sleazy. We are going to rock Lehi…Kevin Bacon style. The Slammy voting is still on and on…vote here (http://www.slweekly.com/ballots/index.cfm?ballot_id=154) It doesn’t matter who you vote for…all that matters is that LOST is back on this WEDNESDAY night (preview to come). The SL Tribune’s Dan Nailen wrote up some good propaganda on “Nfinity” and NUMBS…check those here (http://www.sltrib.com/themix/ci_5138655) & (http://www.sltrib.com/themix/ci_5088988) . Linus gave me another beat cd with this piano track, real bluesy and all. SO TIGHT! The EP will really be something. We are still in pre-production for the “Train Music” video, I’ll let you know more when this develops a little bit. The “Rotten” shows that were lined up at a venue in Bountiful were cancelled because the place GOT SHUT DOWN. I always look at Bountiful like I do Provo…the culture…for the most part can only see what they are prepared to see.
9 To 5: Maybe I have been in a groove lately or maybe it is just a comforting illusion. It’s always darkest before it turns pitch black.
Day To Day: The kid was sick this past week. Before we went to see Dr Jennifer Cox, Elektra pleaded with me that she didn’t want a shot. I told her not to worry since she had a hacky cough and sniffles. I thought maybe it was the flu. Long story short, she ended up with a positive throat culture and needed the antibotical S-H-O-T. She was not a happy girl at Daddy. I went ahead and apologized to her for the promise and asked for forgiveness. I picked her up a Labbit to ease the discomfort (http://www.kidrobot.com).
Current Likes: Martin Kove as John Kreese from the “Karate Kid” movies (you know “Sweep The Leg”), Pan’s Labyrinth, The Boston Mooninite scandal (relax, it's a lite brite!), Sleeping In & the Ground Hog.
Current Dislikes: Madvillian (The figure) is sold out and going for $50 a pop on EBAY, Athletes who under perform when the HEAT is on, Inversion & Nasty SLC Restaurants (you know who you are!).
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