Music: The first review for “Nfinity” is in. SL City Weekly is describing it as “a new classic”. At this point we might as well put Bill Frost on the payroll. He always says the nicest things. The mass mailing of packages to the industry types begins on January 8th. We are probably going to be sending out about FITTY (slang for 50) mailers out to labels, agents, distributors, rags, etc. I’ll post any feedback I get from these peeps on here so you can see what goes on in this business of music.
Rotten Musicians have a gig on January 20th in Bountiful. Yes…we will rock Bountiful. I think Fisch is getting antsy to start up on some new ROTTEN music. I’ve started outlining my EP as well. The BUZZword of 2007 is “WRITE”.
To sum up The New Years Eve Capo party in two words I would use…”Missed Opportunity”. It’s never good when the sound guy says “Three Mics? That’s all? How hard can this be to set up?”. Yeah, you guessed it…the sound was AWFUL! The “rap band” always gets screwed when it comes to sound checks at these things. The Capo dudes are nice guys but in the future we HAVE to make sure the spot is legit or we can’t do it like this anymore.
9 to 5: IPOD Mondays are now IPIZZLE Thursdays. As much as I am still not a morning person (Don’t think I will ever be) Thursdays at work are very soothing. I basically hook up my IPOD, zone out and data enter. I usually listen to “The Lost Podcast With Jay and Jack”, “Real Time With Bill Mahr”, “Comic News Insider” and weekly updates by US Senator Barack Obama. Oh yeah, I got music on it as well. The two best things I have purchased in the last five years…my PSP and my IPOD. Sometimes this AWESOME day spills over into Friday as well. It feels like I only work two and a half days a week…I’m digging it.
Day to Day: Those two holidays have come and gone. Elektra loved her gifts from the Santa. Bow Down, Bow Down before the power of Santa. Her quote about my presents was…“the not cool gifts”. I did redeem myself ala the Red Rider BB Gun with Tekno the pink robotic puppy. It helped put the clothes, socks and gloves out of sight and out of mind. I got INTENSELY sick on Xmas. I think it was the whipped cream from the pumpkin pie or the morning mimosa. Not sure which? I yakked all day long and watched “Bad Santa” and “Venture Brothers” while I was drifting in and out of conscience. K-Dawg gave me my peace on earth. I appreciate her so much; she is so special to me. Big MUAH to her. She does a lot for me.
I went snowboarding for the first time ever on January 1st. K-Dawg was nice enough to get me my gear and tickets for my first excursion to Brighton resort. It was a magnificent day…Bright blue skies, sunny and moderately warm. In the Salt Lake valley that day it was gray and “overcast”. The thing is…the “overcast” in the valley is pollution (aka "inversion”) and not weather. I don’t need a scientist or a politician telling me about “Global Warming”…common sense has already confirmed that one for me. EVERY year it’s getting worse on the Wasatch Front with this layer of filth in the air. It was a NICE getaway and K was so patient with me as I picked myself up off of the ground at least FITTY (see above for the definition) times. I will MOS DEF do this again but first I must heal. I used muscles that I didn’t even know I had…ouch.
Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still,
Current Likes: Growth, 1st Wave on Sirius Radio (getting my 80’s on YALL), The Utah Jazz and their 24-10 record, Ratchet And Clank “Size Matters” and LOST are both about a month away and Ego Tripping.
Current Dislikes: Nick Saban, Downtown Salt Lake Post Office (Worse then Trenton, NJ and that is saying ALOT), The term “Press Junket” and my Fred Flintstone stubble.
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