What does my scanner see? In 7 years everything will be recorded...
Music: The “Nfinity” mailers have been sent. Two phases and over 40 packages have been mailed. The only contact to respond back so far has been Tyler (the L.A. licensing guy). To our shock and awe, he did NOT like “Nfinity” but stated he would continue to work the other music we have provided him in the past. I’m thinking we need to remix some of the songs and send them back to him. Maybe strip down some of the tunes to a break beat, bass line and sprinkle some guitar licks over the top. A minimalist approach. A “beat box” melody? I don’t know. Either way we are going to ride this out til’ the wheels fall off. Again, I’ll keep you posted on the good, the bad and the other. Linus (who did the music for “TRU” on “Nfinity”) got me a beat CD and wants to do a NUMBS/LINUS EP. Some the tracks he had on CD-R are straight up sure shots. We have already thought of a name for the project as well but we are not telling (yet). Expect this 8 track OPUS by the end of Summer 07’. We have two shows in FEB so check the myspace.com/numbs for when, where and wild. We will be shooting a video for “Train Music” in the next couple of weeks. Also, NUMBS are up for the SLAMMY’S again…vote here (copy and paste if you must)…http://www.slweekly.com/ballots/index.cfm?ballot_id=154
9 to 5: Work hasn’t been breakin’ my balls for a bit now and I actually feel “comfortable”. I don’t want to be comfy at work. I will decide my own level of involvement.
Day to Day: The Film Fest is in full swing and I’m pretty sure we are going to posse up and check out “Rock The Bells” this Wednesday night in Park City. Check out rockthebellsmovie.com for more info. We have been in contact with the director(s) and they seem like good peeps. Oh yeah, the SL Weekly has “Happy Hour” going on that night at the Treasure Mountain Inn as well. Two birds, one rock. There are several good groups/artists playing up here BUT do to the whole “Private Party” tag these are difficult to get into. I’d like to see Nas live but I’m not going to re-create a scene from “ZOO” to get in. It’s a big who's who up there anyway with the ‘Paris Hilton” look-a-likes and those art fucks who sit around at coffee houses all day working on their screenplays. But hell…who I am to judge. If a guy can grow a penis on his arm (<http://www.mosnews.com/news/2005/03/22/miraclesurgery.shtml>) then anything can happen. Short sleeve shirts? He doesn’t own ANY.
I recently took in the movie “A Scanner Darkly” and I should have actually seen this before my “Best of 2006”. It would be in my top five from last year. The movie was based on a novel (same name) written in 1977 by Phillip K Dick. Some of the major themes in the movie focus on police/government surveillance, blurred lines between “cop and criminal’, drug use and the cynical destruction of another human being to achieve a greater good. The cast works well within the framework of the film and it’s ideas (especially Robert Downey, Jr.) and the “Rotoscope” animation is groundbreaking. This is a MUST see.
The Jazz still lead the Northwest Division in the NBA (27-14) and are riding a three game winning streak. The Dolphins hired Cam Cameron as their 7th head coach in their history of Dolphindom. Hilary Clinton is “In To Win” and Obama is hinting towards running. Obama/Gore? Obama/Biden? Clap louder administration, Tinkerbell is dying.
Peace- DAG!
Current Likes: The “Steve Irwin” action figure (evil stingray sold separately), “Super Size Me” (I was late on this one), The names “Terry Wrist” and “Al Kyder” & the Rubiks Cube.
Current Dislikes: All Your Base Are Belong To Us, Athletes and their super sneaky water bottles, The cost of the Iraq War hitting $1.2 trillion (good thing we got Social Security & the Health Care system fixed) & not “feeling” it.
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