BEST OF...2006!
The Prestige: Christopher Nolan is slowly becoming my favorite director. This movie has layers to it and it’s very intelligent. Smart and classy…the “reveal” was quite a surprise to me. Cinematic magic.
V For Vendetta: What a manifesto…It works beautifully. Enjoyable, smartly designed and superbly acted thriller that actually gives you something to think about. Certain people didn’t like a “terrorist” as a main character. I guess that all depends on your perspective. I have watched this movie once a month on DVD since it was available.
The Departed: Nothing short of brilliant…complicated, ambiguous and ambitious. The master of gangland crime dramas returns at the top of his game. Easily the best Scorsese picture since “Goodfellas”. Matt Damon is growing on me, as an actor so is DiCaprio. Tight flick.
Honorable Mentions: Apocalypto, Lady In The Water, Inside Man, Lucky Number Slevin, Superman Returns, United 93, Nacho Libre, Casino Royale, An Inconvenient Truth, Borat.
Looking forward to… 300, Zodiac, Grindhouse, Simpsons Movie, The Bourne Ultimatum, Transformers, Spiderman 3, & Harry Potter 4.
Lupe Fiasco “Food And Liquor”: Every year (or couple of years) along comes an artist that just does it right. Lupe creates music that is revolutionary and sets no boundaries. The LP has a very positive vibe and he makes his own identity throughout the record. A refreshing, enlightening listen. I’m looking forward to his next project.
Gnarls Barkley “St. Elsewhere”: Along comes the Mouse and the Cee-Lo. This is a great example of “Feng Shui” between two individuals and the way they push musical boundaries. The ultimate audio soundscape. A must own for anyone and I really mean that. “St Elsewhere” is a great place for music to be.
The Roots “Game Theory”: Jay-Z is really rebuilding DEF JAM even though he dropped the ball on promoting this LP. With that being said, there really isn’t a “radio single” on it. The sound of “Game Theory” is fresh and engaging, new and innovative but darker then earlier efforts. There is a myriad of information going on in here and it is pure ear candy. Masters at the top of their game.
Honorable Mentions: Jay- Z “Kingdom Come”, Dilated Peoples “20/20”, Rhymefest “Blue Collar”, J-Dilla “Donuts”, Nas “Hip Hop Is Dead”.
Looking forward to… Madlib & MF Doom “Madvillian Two”, Ghost Face & MF Doom “Swift And Changeable”, Dangerdoom “Two”, Common “Finding Forever”, Talib Kweli “Ear Drum”, Mos Def “Tru Magic”.
*Single Of The Year*
Gnarls Barkley “Crazy” : Like it could be any other song? You heard it, Members of your family sang it or hummed along with it. Basically, It was EVERYWHERE! If you need more proof on the damage this musical composition did click on the following…
The video was dope as well.
*The Group/Artist that should just go away*
Any artist that fails to separate him or herself from everything else on the shelf.
*Best TOON*
Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends: The EMMY award-winning cartoon is consistently entertaining. If you can You Tube “The Big Cheese” do it…one of the best episodes YET!
Honorable Mentions: A.T.H.F., Squirrel Boy, Spongebob Squarepants, Camp Lazlo, Venture Brothers, A.T.H.F.
Creepy show bonus…Mr Meaty, just not right.
*TV Show*
LOST: Some people are tied to certain roles through their careers…Paul Reubens, Mark Hamill, Etc. Matt Fox will forever be linked to “Doctor Jack”. He keeps getting better and better in the role he was made to play. He absolutely stole the show during the first part of season three. I cannot wait for LOST to start up again in February of 2007. There are still a TON of loose ends they need to tie up and back into the show (The Numbers, The Monster, The DHARMA initiative, etc). I plan on doing a FULL recap in January…stay tuned!
Honorable Mentions: Dexter (I have never seen this show but Facts loves it), The Office (Shanty loves it), The Wire (I hear good things), Heroes (Seems like a 'powers" rip off to me).
*Best Video Game*
The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion: The Elder Scrolls (Xbox 360): The best single-player role-playing experience to come along in YEARS! Very compelling and engrossing and will eat up whatever spare time that you have in your life. Worth the price of admission…staggeringly deep game play, lush graphics, superb voice acting and a solid story. This is what gaming is all about.
Honorable Mentions: Daxter (PSP), Splinter Cell: Double Agent (Xbox 360), Lego Star Wars: The Original Trilogy (Xbox 360).