Actually, I think it’s been a couple of weeks? Let’s get into it…
Numbs: We are seriously a few weeks away from the “Nfinity” launch. We placed an ad in Slug Mag that shows the release date of 12/12. All that’s left are the solo songs…mine, shanty’s and roo’s. If the UD and Chuck D spots come in after the mastering then we will have to release either a MAXI Single (can you dig it?) or WAX. That might be kinda cool though…for DJ’s and who not to have those JAWNS on vinyl. Meanwhile, the “big” alternative radio station in Utah, X96 released their yearly local music CD, “Live And Local”. This is volume three and they put one of our tunes on there as the third track. The thing is…they put the title as “Explicit”? and the name of the song is “Heavy Handed”. I think the reason for the confusion was that on the print out (not hand written) slip that I turned in with it…it said “Heavy Handed- Explicit”. I know my hand writing is borderline unintelligible but come on…it was Arial size 16 font. Either way, we are on it and the contact info in the sleeve is on point.
The 9 to 5: Less is more. I report to a new supervisor starting this Friday. I need to learn NOT to rebel rouse at work and just stay neutral. Just reply with a 10-4 good buddy and let that be that. Why was I so naïve thinking I could change things. They tell me they want to know what’s wrong with how things ARE but that is just rhetoric. It’s like asking someone how their weekend was. Why? So they can tell you about there OWN weekend. It’s not a matter of not caring, I care. Some people still think knowledge is power.
Shenanigans: Elektra is a hoot. I’m going to miss spending Tofurki Day with her. She says the CRAZIEST things…her ranting lately consists of telling people in public that they shouldn’t have their Christmas stuff out yet because it’s not even Thanksgiving. She gets very verbal with the coffee shop workers, people at the post office and random humans at the grocery store. She is so outspoken and I LOVE it. Great kid. I have been so blessed.
Kdawg invited me to her parents for T-Day. She is so sweet and special and this meant a lot to me. Lucia the Madre likes to have Holidays not on the Holiday calendar day. It bugs me but she has done this like forever so I feel that I have gotten used to it. This might be the reason that I view these days as just another day. I don’t appreciate my time off like I should. It will be FUN fo sho and I am looking forward to it.
Some peeps from work, K-Dizzle and myself attended a Utah Jazz outing last night. The night was filled with overcoming a 16 point deficit (Go Jazz!), cheese fries, Irish Car Bombs, Evolution, high fives, throwing popcorn at people we didn’t know, kisses, spilled beer, falling down on the hard concrete and free mini-basketballs. I LOVE going to basketball games…I have a BLAST every time. The only downside…the Delta Center isn’t the D.C. anymore it is now Energy Solutions Arena. They should at least call it the E.S.A., it has a better ring to it. Enjoy the pictures…
Current Likes: Jay-Z “Kingdom Come”, The Prestige (I need to see it again), Irish Car Bombs, The Utah Jazz (stay healthy yall!) & the term “Back To Basics”
Dislikes: Kramer and his racial tirade…”He’s a n*gger, He’s a n*gger…get him out of here”, FOX News (GOP Propaganda) & the Lack of PS3’s (this is done on purpose, I’ll wait for the price drop next year).

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