Man, it’s been quite the last couple of weeks. I have been struggling keeping my head above water and my balancing act is getting tiresome. Where do I start…
Elektra had her 6th birthday bash at C.E.C. and a fun time was had by all. The party seemed to flow better then the previous years and I’m not sure if it had anything to do with the location or just the dynamics of where my life has taken me. She seemed to really like the robots and she got a birthday dance with the Mr Chuck (A.K.A. person in RAT suit). I still cannot believe that she is SIX, crazy.
Work has been pretty much more of the same. Even the Garden Of Eden was just a big fancy cage. You’ll be a slave for the rest of your life unless you bite the apple. I really do need to explode my comfort zone. I have been at CRE for a little over five years now…When do I get a sabbatical?
We finished out the last of the NUMBS shows in October. Saying it was a steady ride would be lying. I had a revelation last week. The revelation was that if Roo, Shanty and I do not finish this album it will never get done. We are so very close and I want to wrap this up so I can move ahead with my other projects that need my time as well. It seems with all the turmoil that has been going on lately that we are getting some opportunities that seem too good to be true (pinch me)…this is an email response that Chuck D (That’s right…from the group Public Enemy) sent me last week when I asked him about a possible collabo…
*Just let me know Mark NFL ( NUMBS 4 life)send me an example and i'll mimic a mp3 back at ya...setting up indie store...digital connect on SLAM...will get back atchapeacechuck*
So yeah it looks like he is in…and this one is from Dizzy (Ugly Duckling)…
*I leave for europe on tuesday! if you could send an mp3 to this email that would be great!*
If we pull both of these off I will be AMAZED! I have MAD respect for P.E. and U.D. and to get them on a Numbs disc would be too much. Chuck D is one of the reasons I started writing raps. I’ll let you know how these pan out.
***A couple of questions…Have we gone as far as talent or fortune will take us? Do we need to find more sensible pursuits? Maybe I need to arrive at acceptance. Acceptance of limits and mortality. I dunno…
On the health front…I am currently weighing in at 149lbs and sticking to the vegetarian diet that I started a couple of months ago. The cold I had is almost gonzo but I’m still hacking a bit (lung cheese). I have been walking a lot more instead of using the Blazer and the sit up/push up ritual in the AM is getting easier to do.
I voted today. I know that living in a RED state really means my vote doesn’t count but I did it anyways. I’m not down with the G.O.P. and I think Orrin Hatch is an embarrassment. Not only a political embarrassment but a musical one as well. Do you know he has been in that senate seat for 30 years! (first elected in 1976) WTF? This country has been turning into the Galactic Empire for the last little bit now and it’s time for a JEDI REBELLION! FUCKABUSH!
Laters- DAG!
P.S. Did you see the Dolphins beat the Bears this past Sunday (31-13)...yeah, I know they are 2-6 but that felt good. Oh yeah, the Utah Jazz are still 4-0...just stay healthy this year and it will be AIGHT!
Current Likes: The Audacity Of Hope by Barack Obama, Splinter Cell: Double Agent, The warm November Utah weather, The Original Pancake House’s “Pumpkin Pancakes” & Borat.
Dislikes: The last mini-season episode of “Lost” is tomorrow night and the show won’t be back on until Feb 2007, The Grand Ol’ Party & People who work at movie theatres that put “Censored” sticky notes over parts of movie posters INSIDE the movie theatre (If you don’t like what is on the poster then DON'T HANG IT UP!).

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