The new season of LOST starts tonight and I am counting down the hours. I have several questions and I know that ALL of these queries will not be answered in the first episode, “A Tale Of Two Cities” (check the Dickens reference) BUT by the end of season tres some of these blanks should be filled in…
What happened to Desmond, Locke and Eko and the Swan hatch?
What was the impact/effect of the magnetic pulse from the hatch?
What happened to Sawyer, Kate and Jack?
Where were they taken?
Are they still on the Island?
Are “The Others” bad or good?
Did Michael and Walt find rescue?
Will Penelope find the Island?
Are they finally going to show the Underwater hatch?
Things aren’t usually what they seem with this show and I expect the beginning to be a complete MINDPLAY. I have tried to stay SPOILER free…going as far to turn of the TV when the PROMO commercials come on.
Some predictions for season three: We will find out “The Others” are the GOOD guys like they said they were. Maybe they are the leftover’s from the Dharma Initiative in the early eighties? Michael and Walt will return by the end of season three, They WILL reveal the Underwater hatch, The Swan hatch will be severely messed up BUT everyone who was in there survived, They will find at least two other hatches, Marvin Candle will make an appearance outside of being in the Orientation films, We will find out how Locke ended up in a wheelchair pre island life, We will learn that Jack has some DARK JEDI secrets about his past (no one is perfect)…that’s all I can think of now. I’m sure with every question answered there will be 2 or 3 more that will be asked. I love this show.
More than meets the eye…ENJOY!

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