So, NUMBS had a show this past Saturday night in Provo. It was called PROVOPOLOOZA. Get it? Like LALA only PROVO. I have to say though…this might have been the BEST Numbs show we have done in the past two years. Maybe it was because we did five new songs off of “Nfinity”. It was packed, the peeps came to Party and we didn’t really mess up. Even on the new songs. Elektra had her VERY first cavity filled by the Dentist during the week and she ACED it. A shot in the gums, Drilling of the tooth…No problem to this kid. She told me after that she wants to get another cavity? I guess it’s safe to say she likes the Dentist. I’m going on week four of my 1500 calorie per day diet. I try to do about 25 pushups and 150 sit ups every day as well. I need to exercise more. I’m not sure if I mentioned this in the past month or so but I have re-embraced my vegetarian lifestyle that I had in the past (circa 1998-2001). I have been doing it for two months now and it is working WONDERS for the baby stomach I have. I picked up Stones Throw “Chrome Children” (3.5 out of 5) and the season premier of LOST was an A-, my only issue with it…TOO MANY COMMERCIALS. I know this is how they pay for the whole kit and kaboodle but it felt like the episode was 30 minutes instead of an hour. I have gotten spoiled by the DVD’s…this could be the reason that I was getting agitated! I peeped “The Departed” as well. Facts said this is the best movie of 2006 so far. I still liked “V For Vendetta” better but I am a self proclaimed comic geek (the influence). STILL…a strong 4 out of 5 and easily Martin’s best flick since “Goodfellas”. We got another BIG Numbs show coming up this weekend and I need to weather proof my place since it’s chilly in UTAH. What do you think? More fleece blankets or more alcohol? Who’s down for a HOT TODDY? Later- DAG!

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