The days are moving faster than I can think. Even sound and light can only go so fast. Craigslist has been the “Pot O’ Gold”. I was able to pick up a MAC G4 with 19” LCD screen for the Numbs office. The whole shootin’ match cost $500. You see, Rick wanted his computer back (the one currently in Suite 8) so he could check email and whatever else he does with his internet connection. Maybe this will solve some of the problems, maybe not. As you can tell from the previous post (see below) I think the KFAN “Bring It” jingle is done. It needs to be mixed and have some sprinkles added but yeah…it’s hype! I hope they use it. September 18th was my bros Bday. I picked him up a gift card and I got him a copy of Howard Sterns' radio show on 9/11/2001. I knew he would appreciate it. Elektra had a dentist appointment last week and it turns out she has one cavity. Almost six years on Earth and one cavity creep…not too bad. Also, I picked up Lego Star Wars 2 and Lupe Fiasco’s “Food And Liquor”. Lupe’s LP is SUPERFRESH! I have been listening to it since I coped it. Really, it’s on right now. It is intelligent, refreshing, thoughtful, fascinating, introspective, fun and creative. I mean there is a song on this LP called “The Cool” about a gangsta zombie rising back from the grave to deliver a haunting message. When I hear projects like this I know that Hip Hop isn’t dead. We need more mainstream artists like this who constantly motivate and push this art form. Is Lupe here to rescue, resuscitate or resurrect hip hop? I don’t know but for me, this is beautiful music! Back to lyrics and imagination. This gets a 4.5 out of five. Lego Star Wars 2 stimulates my geek gland. Action and adventure and nostalgia of the ONE TRUE trilogy…yeah, I was gushing when I left Game Stop. The force is strong with this one.
I attended “Gothla” last weekend with K-Dawg. What an experience. Great dancing, food and peeps. These people don’t mess around they even perform when “costume malfunctions” happen…well, at least for a few seconds. I had a blast. Tribal fusion belly dance at it’s best.
Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. Choose to keep breathing…

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