I haven’t written on here in a minute so I thought I would get on to do a weekly recap of what’s GONE DOWN in the last little bit. My baby girl started Kindergarten the day after Labor Day! I am SO proud of this kid. She brings so much magic and inspiration to my life. I would be lost without her. She means so much to me and I feel like the luckiest person on EARTH to watch her grow. I shed a few tears after I dropped her off for her first day. Ok, so the Dolphins lost their first game of the season and I have to admit I was WAY depressed. They held steady through the first three quarters and fell apart in the fourth. Fans will most likely blame Saban for not throwing the replay red flag out their more aggressively on a questionable TD catch for Pitt or blame the refs for the “hands to the face call”, etc. This is a team game. You win and lose as a team. The defense was worn out in the forth, period. The secondary made Charlie Batch look like Peyton Manning and Dante made a couple of bad decisions airing the ball out downfield. Mistakes cost them the game and they beat themselves (PENALTIES!). Some positives: WES WELKER!, Dante’s leadership under center and Ronnie Brown making things happen with NO offensive run blocking. Also, Mularky has to get better (and quick) with the play calling. If I were in that position and not working as a starving artist I’d run Dante out of the shotgun or some play action on certain situations and McMicheal has to be more involved in the offense. On a separate note, when are they going to let some of these kids that win the MADDENBOWL coach competitive football? Some of these players can read blitz packages better than Al Micheals. I really am waiting for that day. My bday was over the weekend and the Rotten Musicians rocked the Urban Lounge. My mom brought a cake to the gig that said “Happy Birthday Hee-Man” on it. Let me give you the back story…she called me up and told me over the phone that this was written on the cake and I was like “Why He-Man? I didn’t even really like that cartoon as a kid” and she replied with “Well, isn’t that your stage name?” and I was like…”No, It’s MADMAN”. Pretty funny…and to whoever made the cake…He-Man is spelled like that and not like “HEE-MAN“. Don’t you know anything about pop-culture? I took the day off of work on Sunday and had a very wonderful and chill “Floater Holiday” as CR England likes to call it. The K-Dawg and myself went to the “Original Pancake” house for some crack-cakes then on a mini-hike and then to see Outkasts movie “IDLEWILD”. I really liked the films brazen approach and it has many flashes of brilliance. I appreciate artists who try to push the envelope with projects that they get involved with and aim high. I would give it 3.5 out of 5, very inventive. Last night, K and I went to The Depot to check out J-5 and X-Clan. We got there around 9:30 and X-Clan was finishing their set? What’s up with shows starting RIGHT at 9pm, LAME! Jurassic rocked for over an hour and I have to say even with no Cut Chemist these guys can still put it down. When hip hop is done good …it’s REALLY good. A very positive FORCE for people. The place was packed. Most of the peeps there treated the gig as more of a social event and less like a musical massacre. I think this is my fifth time seeing J-5 and I am NEVER disappointed. The Numbs office is up and running and all we need now is a table for the peavey mixer. I’m going to be heading down there tomorrow to try and finish up the work for the radio station 1320 KFAN.
Stay positive out there, one love! DAG.

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