That's right. I see better with two RIPE tomato's as my ocular devices. What a LONG week it has been. Work is steadily driving me CRAZY and it seems that every Monday I end up as the punching bag for many departments. But today on the other hand marks a VERY special day for NUMBS and Earthburn Records. We now have an office space that we are turning into our recording studio (see pic and explanation above). It is official and we have signed the lease. Also (bigger news)...DJ SHANTY is now a proud father as BABY JANTY? SHANNA? was born this afternoon. Both baby (it's a girl) and mom and dad are doing very well! I will drop by the hospital tomorrow and hopefully I can get some snapshots of the kiddo to put on here. CONGRATS to the Murphy's and Partida's! On top of all this, I'm playing Mr Mom tonight and my nephew, neice and daughter are all still up and playing "store". They are selling toys and food to each other. It's aprox 11pm here in UTAH. Why won't they sleep? Why? Peace-DAG!
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