Hey there my good BLOGGER peeps. I'm sorry I haven't written anything for a bit on here I have just had a REALLY crazy week with "My Life, My Life, My Life...". Besides work being the usual cluster that it is my personal biz has been getting all up in my ASS! 99 problems and so on and so forth. I won't bore you with the details but in this past week I have: laughed, cried, bled, drank, told the truth, lied, bought stuff I didn’t need, under-slept, wondered where I am headed with my life, prayed, read, wrote, watched TV, saw a couple of movies about town, listened to music, did not eat any meat, made people mad and upset at me and exercised. I’m sure there is more to it BUT that’s all I can think of right now. There are some positive things going on…we are like 4-5 songs away from finishing the NUMBS LP. It WILL be out in October 2006. We have a name for it BUT we are keeping it under “raps” for right now. Also, NUMBS might be doing music for an AM Sports radio station here in UTAH (more on this later). Fischer gave me some tracks for my SOLO jawn (exciting!), Shanty and Jana should be parents by the next post (VERY exciting) and Elektra continues to amaze me EVERYDAY with her imagination. Anyways, Roo & I are off to shake down Franklin Gerald the 3rd for some NUMBS CD’s. If you hear about a guy being thrown threw a glass window don’t rat us out. Peace- DAG!
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