One third of twenty ten has vanished into the quiet vapors of
nothingness. Have you accomplished what you set out to do so far this
year? If not, I have theories on why the month of May is the variable.
Especially at this moment...
-'Tell All' by Chuck Palahniuk drops this Wednesday. I try to stay
spoiler free on most things. However the tag line for this one is “Boy
Meets Girl', “Boy Gets Girl', then “Boy Kills Girl”. That did it for
-Iron Man 2 releases all of its War Machine kick ass on Friday. I like
it when summer movies let loose a couple of days early (on
Wednesdays). I would like to wake up on Cinco De Mayo and be able to
celebrate by watching Rhodey break out his Warwear aka Sentinel Armor
aka Model JRXL-1000.
-On May 18th You get to fill the shoes of 'Alan Wake' in a new age
whodunit thriller (Xbox 360). It was my first pre-ordered game this
year and the collectors edition comes with a 144pg book that includes
a short story written by A.Wake. Remedy says the game was inspired by
Stephen King, Twin Peaks and Lost. WORD!
-Also on the 18th, we get the return of Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek aka
Reflection Eternal on the 'RPM' project. I like the songs I've heard
so far, inspired native tongues isht.
-On May 23rd we will see the end of the GREATEST television show EVER,
'LOST'. K & myself are going to road trip to LA for the finale party @
the Orpheum. I've been listening to Jay & Jack since 2005 and watching
the show since season two...so yeah, I'm HYPED! Here is what they have
so set so far...Red Carpet for arrivals? (so far, Ben Linus errr
Micheal Emerson is confirmed), Cocktails sponsored by Tequila
Revolucion (I HATE tequila), Q&A session with the actors attending
(before the episode airs) and a live recording of The Lost Podcast
with Jay and Jack following the actual airing of the finale. This is
all starting to feel like a Comic-Con slash Star Wars convention. If
anyone shows up dressed as Crazy Jungle Claire, it's going down!
You are a product of your time. Update your story lines. Wonder and
fascinate. Be swept away by inspiration, inventiveness and energy.
Create the world with degrees of creative license. Run wild with that
classic pulp adventure story. Respect the source material but break
the rules! I mean, SMASH the rules. Get excited about new ideas
instead of nostalgia and call-backs to stories of our youth. We are
all influenced by what came before, even if we aren't consciously
updating or copying it. Go into it with eyes wide open and build...
Shut up and eat the awesome!
Peace, DAG.
-- Post From My iPhone
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