That was a poor mans 'April Fools'. Ha Ha. But here's the first chapter.
This order is meant to
protect the powerless
against the sins of the wicked...
Chapter 1
All I could think about was the blood.
I was brought to life by the sounds of sirens and two headlights
flying right towards me. I caught a glimpse of a mirrored image off of
the windshield. I pulled hard on the steering console. The vessel
vibrated to the left. I accelerated the the V8 engine to reach the top
speed of it's signature performance. This automobile had a familiar
feeling to it. I positioned the super sport impala directly in the
middle of the thruway. I had no idea where I was and no idea of who
was chasing me, or why? With sky-scraping shapes and sounds all around
me, I followed the arteries into the city.
I could sense the scoundrels inhaling the zoom of my momentum. Three
shots were fired. I used these as motivation for my anthem. I had the
SS bobbing and weaving through the streets in a style reminiscent of a
metronome. In the rear view, I saw two others. Late model sedans with
top gunners ape hanging off the sides of the exits. A left, a right,
another solid left. Perusing the contours of an off ramp at a stupid
angle. It left me wired. With one set of henchmen still behind me I
had to be fast.
Blink once, twice. darkness, blackout.
My eyes slowed down like a slide show. The baddies automobile was
breathing my bumper and then. Freeze. For a couple of seconds. And
then repeat. It was further behind me now. A spinning luminary of
light and gloss. And then repeat, it was gone altogether. I hit the
brakes. What had just happened? What was going on? Where there more of
them? I felt watched. Anxiously I looked around the cabin. On the seat
next to me was a backpack, a desirable hand cannon and a high
definition digital camera. Great, now I could finally make that
blockbuster I had always wanted to direct. I briskly moved the
contents into the bag and sidestepped out onto the concrete. I was
halfway down the block when the optical shifting began again. Freeze,
a couple of seconds. The pixels slowed and I caught the aroma from an
aerosol can that birthed a burner piece of graffiti that was marked on
the wall. Freeze, a couple of seconds then the sidewalk was invading
my personal space.
Blink once, twice. Darkness, blackout.
They called for the initiate. He waited alone. Outfitted in the
ritualistic cloak he was beginning to feel apprehensive. The trials
were mythos that dated back to the 12th century. Even before that.
Dated by paragon vespers of the old country. He moved with stealth
through the shadows of the conclave. Some addressed him as friend and
others as brother. He arrived at the front and the procession was
beginning. A voice called out 'All the families are related.
Throughout all of the land'. The same tone resonated 'Once you enter,
brother. There is no way out. Nobody can help if you are ever to give
up the secret'. It was then asked 'What hand do you use to champion
with?' He motioned to his left. A person of great stature grabbed his
hand. A finger was pricked and blood was then drawn onto a devoted
image. The object was placed into the neophytes hands. The consecrated
picture was then set ablaze. The burning was unbearable. He wanted to
cry out, back down. His natural instinct was to lash out at them.
However, at this point he knew there was no turning back. In an
antiquated dialect it was spoken 'As burns this imagery, so will your
essence if you lose faith. May your soul turn to ash if you fail to
honor your word. You enter alive and will have to come out dead'
The flashes ended. I came to and felt nauseous. Stumbling to my feet I
escaped to closest alley way. I was sick. Was that a memory?
Surveillance into my minds eye? The road map to consciousness is the
singularity. I was wide open lounging in the backstreet. I had to find
a peaceful asylum where I could collect my thoughts. I spotted a
building near by. I could make it to that. The metropolitan sculpture
was clouded by ill advised art tags and debris spatter. It looked
vacant. No lights of any kind except for the clean moon shining off of
the window panes. I sprinted. I tried to stay low and force my will so
I could camouflage into the pavement as I ran. I felt in control. I
approached the back of the facility. The fire escape was corroded and
looked unstable. I ran at the wall alongside of it, I jumped. My left
hand soaring through the blackness I grabbed the bottom of the grate
and pulled myself up. I sped up four flights of stairs in a semi
reserved manner. There was a depression near one of the window bays.
It looked big enough for me to squeeze myself through. I was an
average figure who didn't think of himself anything at all like an
action figure. I stretched through the entry way into a colossal room.
The outside seemed nothing more than a red herring as the inside of
this structure was mildly hygienic.
A sign hung ironically over a staircase inside, 'The Secret Lair'.
Retail quicksand or a diamond in the rough? Another clue stated 'The
ultimate purveyors of high quality crime fighting merchandise'. I ran
down the visual catalog. Capes, check. Not just capes but glitter
capes, the standard 58' inch professional heroes cape, the 36' inch
sidekicker (starter cape), the exquisite satin 58 with optional flight
tilt indicator and flight steady (A compound used to fixed
non-breathable superhero fabric). They also had the mylar force field,
a vapor blaster, particle guns, strong vacuum suction cups, photon
shooters, deflector bracelets, a magnum sonic blaster, the patented
mind reader (it never really worked). Other amenities included: brain
mold, human face (used in building mutants), cloning fluid, canned
intelligence, teeth? And under the counter I noticed they were dealing
in secret identities. Suave airline pilot, selfless firefighter,
mysterious astronaut to name a few. They even had the variant edition
of secretive doctor (as vague as you want). I stumbled onto the
mega-mart of the super powered types! I am going to need a bigger bag.
I spent a fair amount of time going through pages of the inventory. It
was a welcome distraction from the evenings earlier events. Still, I'm
having a hard time remembering anything. Anything at all. Well, except
for the blood. Maybe I need to forget to remember. Maybe I need more
distractions. I was tempted to try out some of the weapons cache.
However, I don't think it shows supreme intelligence to emit sparks
from small arms and at the same time test drive the thunder inducer
after you have added breaking and entering to your rap sheet. Well,
just entering. It's a wise decision to experiment with only the
non-audible and tinker with most of the items that fit nicely into the
'lab supplies' category. Right then I noticed a backroom with the word
'Invisibles' over it. What would it be. Invisible phaser with limited
detection, Translucent suit (slim cut with optional neck tie) or
Invisibility detection goggles used solely for viewing of the
invisible realms or pranks. UV protection of course. I went for option
c. The most tasteful and unobtrusive choice. I haphazardly put them
on. Surprisingly they had a wide field of view. I first looked at the
wall. The crafted carbonite clear lens gave off a nice retroactive
neon effect. Looking at the rows and rows of accessories was like
staring at pure comet candy. I got brave and started walking around
the boutique. A living, breathing 3D motion picture. All colors now in
motion. Feeling fearless I picked up the pace. A thrilling speed of
light. A valiant reflection of the ethereal. As quickly as that
happened I froze in place. Standing there fixed I noticed everything
in the place had come to a standstill except one figure that hurriedly
crouched down when I suspended the examination. I was afraid. I
thought about retracing my steps as fast as I drew them. Comatose in
my frigid trance I caught a glimpse of some other magical glasses on
the counter to the right of me. I traded up and fastened the Xray
Vision spectacles to my eyes. Not the same kind that you would see in
ads in the back of funny books these actually let you see through
solid objects. I readied my body into a fighting stance in case this
villain decided all bets are off and the situation escalated. I
concentrated my vision and defied the illusions. Nothing. There was
nothing there. Nothing there now. My adrenaline had been in overdrive
all nite that my mind decided to play tricks on me. I laughed it off.
I had enough fun playing with these toys for now I needed to regain my
focus and remember that I was easy prey. I sat both pairs on the
counter and stepped away. A crash came from behind me. That was all I
needed. I wasn't alone. I knew it. I started back towards the way I
came at light speed. I hurdled the staircase up to the loft. I needed
an exit and quick. There was a small office to the rear of the studio.
The whole thing looked like it was made of glass. If worse came to
worse I could always hurl myself to safety.
I lunged through the doorway. I grab a chair and propped it under the
door handled and wedge it tightly into place. I started ransacking the
desk and cabinets looking for objects that could be used for defense.
I scanned the close quarters to assess strategic capabilities or
places to take evasive action. It was then that I noticed my likeness,
my image. In the echo of the glass surrounding me and of the spotless
moon. I saw my brown eyes starring back at myself through layers and
layers of bandages.