Each player must accept the cards life deals him or her. But once they are in hand, he or she alone must decide how to play the cards in order to win the game. -Voltaire
How many of you believe in fate and destiny? Do you know the difference between the two? I had something VERY strange happen to me this morning. I have been feeling a little under the weather the past couple of days. After I dropped Elektra off at school I decided to go to the doctor. Kelli gave me the number of her physician. I called yesterday and they told me that I needed to come in and fill out a new patient form. They didn’t mention that the wait list for new patients is a couple of months long. Like May 12th 2009 long. This wasn’t going to work for my flu like bug eating away at my sinuses. I dropped by the Instacare in Sugarhouse. There were only a couple people ahead of me but I overheard the staff stating some people called in today and there was only one doctor working the rounds. After about 30 minutes, they called me back and took my vitals. The mini-boss nurse told me that my blood pressure was high. This is nothing new to me…it runs in my genetic code and I have been apathetic at setting up a primary physician in the SLC to get this taken care of. She took me back to the room. After another 15-20 minutes a different nurse? Came in and told me another doctor is on the way in and it shouldn’t be much longer. I always get restless waiting for them…I usually start playing with the ear light and other trinkets they have laying around (ADD?). I hear a knock knock at the door. In walks this forty something female general practitioner that I swear I know from somewhere. She asks me the usual and performs the gland, throat, eyes and ears check. After this she goes back to the computer and pulls up my file. She tells me in that the last two, 2 and a half years I have been to the Instacare three times. She studies the screen and is alamared that my blood pressure is/was high on all three occurrences. She seems really concerned and tells me that I need to get it cheeked out as soon as possible. After this, she starts to explain the antibiotics and what not to me. I drift off and I finally place her.
Flashback to October 26th 2000, Instacare…Rose Park, Utah. It’s late at night and I am with the mother of my daughter getting her checked out at the local clinic because she is not feeling well. The doctor who is treating her is troubled by her condition, tells her it looks like she has “Toxemia” and needs to get it checked out as soon as possible. I pooh-pooh the situation…why did the Instacare doctor catch this and NOT our family physician? The same family physician we had seen twice that week and said it was nothing to be anxious about. Long story short, the next day (October 27th 2000)…Elektra’s mom checks into LDS hospital where they tell us that she indeed has “Toxemia” and she cannot leave the hospital until the baby is born. October 28th 2000...Elektra is born two months early.
Back to present time. After the doctor hands me the script and wishes me well. I ask her if she used to work at the other clinic circa 2000. She tells me yes and I then tell her the story. She seems sincere and relieved that everyone is well. After I step out of the clinic and get my medicine I call the good doctor back and make an appointment for May 12th.
Is this weird to anyone else? The only reason that doctor is there today is because someone called in. The only reason I drop by…today, this morning…is because well…I’m not feeling up to par and the other Doc (May 12th) couldn’t get to me today. Not to mention, the whole situation with Elektra. And it’s the same doctor!
I have avoided this for a long time now and a road that I take to run off brings me back to meet it.
Peace, DAG!
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