I finished “Unleashed” this morning. I have mixed feelings about this game. Did it do enough things right?
The good: Unleashing the force (throwing stormtroopers into walls-off a ledge-into force fields- etc.), The presentation, sound and a semi solid story.
The bad: The targeting system for the force, tedious boss battles with the inability to use some of the awesome force powers (you can pull a star destroyer from the sky but you cannot throw a dark trooper?) & interesting planets/locations that are really not fleshed out.
The ugly: Enemies can hit you when you are down (annoying), Horrible camera angles, The love story with Juno Eclipse (it’s never really developed for the “payoff” at the end) & puzzle elements that are trial & error.
*In tribute of House Peters (a.k.a. Mr Clean) taking a dirt nap…you should ALL bump Viktor Vaughn’s song of the same name today. At least once. Study your history…
LOS ANGELES (AP) — House Peters Jr., a TV actor who became the original Mr. Clean in Procter & Gamble's commercials for household cleaners, has died. He was 92.
The elder Peters' most memorable role came as Mr. Clean — a muscular man with a bald head, a hoop earring and a no-nonsense attitude toward dirt and grime. From the late 1950s and into the early 1960s, Peters helped advertise the famous household cleaner with the trademark jingle, "Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean."
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