Thursday, October 30, 2008

A PSA from Johnny Utah...


Dear friends,

There's has been a phenomena going on lately, due to the incredible success of the move "The Dark Knight," that has plagued the holiday we all know and love; Halloween.

I called it after seeing the movie, that every unoriginal douchebag will dress up as Heath Ledger's (RIP) version of The Joker as their Halloween costume.

I am advising you not to do it. It's not original to the slightest degree and will only upgrade you to the upper echelon of douchebaggery. Plus you'll never get yourself to remotely resemble the sheer awesomeness that was The Joker.

This is much like a few years ago where everyone thought it was cool and unoriginal to dress up as Captain Jack Sparrow. Don't taint (lol) the legacy of a classic villian.


Why so serious?
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Brokeback Mountain Part 2!


Larry Miller's theaters reject 'Zack and Miri Make a Porno'
Chain says film is too sexual; it allows movies with graphic violence

Megaplex Theaters will not screen the comedy "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" when it opens nationwide Friday - once again opening the Utah theater chain to charges of hypocrisy for barring movies with strong sexuality but allowing films with graphic violence.

The movie, which stars Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks as roommates who decide to make a sex film to pay off debts, received an R rating after director Kevin Smith successfully appealed an NC-17 ruling.
But Megaplex general manager Cal Gunderson told The New York Post, "we feel it's very close to an NC-17 with its graphic nudity and graphic sex."

The Megaplex circuit - operating 70 screens at five theaters in Salt Lake City, Ogden, Lehi, Sandy and South Jordan - is the only chain that has turned down the movie. "They're kind of a lone wolf on this one," said Steve Bunnell, chairman of domestic distribution for The Weinstein Co.

Advance response from exhibitors and audiences has been positive, Bunnell said. "People are really responding to the romantic-comedy part of the film," he said, comparing "Zack and Miri" to such hits as "Knocked Up" and "The 40-Year-Old Virgin," films that have played at Megaplex theaters.

"Zack and Miri" will play in about 2,800 theaters nationwide, Bunnell said. In Utah, the movie will screen at theaters owned by the Cinemark and Carmike chains, and at the not-for-profit Broadway Centre Cinemas in downtown Salt Lake City.

"It's definitely a crossover title, something normally that would not be on our radar if it wasn't for Kevin Smith," said Tori Baker, director of the Salt Lake Film Society, which operates the Broadway. Baker cited director Smith's history as an independent filmmaker, going back to his 1995 debut "Clerks" premiering at the Sundance Film Festival.

"Zack and Miri" features images of full-frontal nudity, male and female, but never together and never in a sexual act. Similar content can be found in movies that have played at Megaplex theaters. In April, the chain booked the comedy "Forgetting Sarah Marshall," which showed star Jason Segel naked. Earlier this month, the chain opened another comedy, "Sex Drive," filled with sexual dialogue and bare skin.

The ban on "Zack and Miri" also comes a week after the horror movie "Saw V" opened nationwide, including at four Megaplex theaters. Among the grisly images in "Saw V" are a woman decapitated by blades in a collar and a man forced to crush his hands to escape being cut in half by a pendulum.

When asked by The New York Post about the apparent double standard of screening the violence of "Saw V" but not the sexuality of "Zack and Miri," Gunderson replied, "No comment." (By deadline, Gunderson had not responded to calls from The Salt Lake Tribune seeking comment.)

The uproar over "Zack and Miri" is reminiscent of Megaplex owner Larry H. Miller's decision in January 2006 to pull "Brokeback Mountain," the Western drama starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal as gay sheep herders.

* I wasn't to excited for this flick BUT after another BONEHEADED move by the powers that be here in Utah I will try and see this opening weekend to make sure it hits #1. Maybe someone should have banned good ol' Larry from wearing that Jazz throwback uni a few years ago that was clearly 3 sizes too small. There isn't enough eye bleach in the world after looking at those nutters.

Peace, DAG!
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Elektra is 8 today!!!


I love how you keep your inborn sense of wonder, I love the companionship and being able to share it and rediscover with you the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in. I love you mean everything to me!
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Monday, October 27, 2008

Facts "Yes We Can"


Please take a minute or three out of your busy day and hit up my man FACTS and check out his song "Yes We Can" on his Myspace...

This song made my day!

Peace, DAG!
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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Big Jinx Potential

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Lost Season 5 Promo!

I'm pooping the pants! "Well, thank god for second chances"

PS...I'm sure they will pull this off soon...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lyrics? What are those...


Somewhere, Somehow...I will channel Zombie Shakespeare! Words come to me.
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Real America?

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hey Ya...


From Gunnar "Big Birds Brother, Medium Disabled Bird"
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The Right Thing

Can someone explain to me why this made me tear up? I watched this and just out of the blue… waterworks. I was a little shocked at my emotional reaction, to say the least. I still can't figure it out...

Maybe the reason is that I wish my dad were still alive to see this. He fought in the Vietnam war (101st airborne). He loved his country and his family…His outlook on EVERYTHING changed after Vietnam. Perhaps it made me cry because I miss my dad. I have no idea...

Anyways…PLEASE! Watch this video.

Every high school civics class needs to watch this video tomorrow and next year and 25 years from now. It builds and around minute six effectively deals with one of the most troubling aspects of this election. Its theme of inclusion is the perfect response to the hate and division.

I've always liked Powell and felt a ton of empathy for him during the days he had to say things he didn't believe in. At least that was my personal view at the time. I believe in redemption and that people CAN be better and do better. Learning you were wrong is a powerful emotion. The honesty that comes with that admission can be soul searing.

Here's a man, a hero to many, and a Republican, reminding people that many of those soldiers who fight and die for us are NOT Christian, they're NOT white, they're NOT rich. And yet, they STILL fight and die for US. They deserve to be included. They MUST be included.

Thank you General Powell. You did the right thing. Thank you for choosing your country over politics and even friendship. Yours is a voice of reason over irrational hatred.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008



Nothing quite like waking up to THIS in the morning. Gunnar has been on a roll lately. I'm going to try and post as many as these as I can. At least one a week.

And check out this story about an FBI Wiseguy who fooled the mob. Only second FBI Agent ever to be "made"...Now if only Big Pun was alive to play this STUGOTS.

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Thursday, October 09, 2008



Withdrawing from emotional social contact is favored now, for even when you are with others you are likely to feel separate and alone. Sadness and disappointments in your personal life are also probable now. Inadequacies and flaws in your friends are particularly bothersome to you now, and you may feel that you have nearly exhausted your patience for dealing with these problems. It is a time to be quiet and to look objectively at how your relationships are going. Though not a pleasurable time, this can be a fruitful period in which to learn more about love and what you truly value.
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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

That One


So, I got my voter registration packet in the mail. And this local wack job, Dell Schanze, is running for Governor. Here is his statement from the booklet…

“SUPERDELL is your only choice because YOU didn’t file. Huntsman took away your freedoms and raised taxes more than any governor in the history of Utah. Springmeyer has admitted that he doesn’t care about the constitution. The definition of the word insane is voting for the same people while expecting change.

There is no question that Dell Shanze is different. There are only 3 people on the ballot and SUPERDELL is the only one that is NOT socialist. If you are unsure then fill your heart with love, completely open your mind and pray to earnestly. You cant afford to get this wrong and will be held accountable for your choice.”

Awesome right? I will be held accountable? By who, Jesus? Joseph Smith? Moroni? Mr SUPERDELL don’t threaten me or I will sick Narasimha on you.

On another topic…

McCain vs. Obama round 2 was last night…I didn’t catch all of it but what I did see was a hoot. I’m not “Mad About” Paul Riser but I thought he was on point with this…

“Net result? Once again: I think if you already like Obama -- you like him more after tonight. Likewise McCain. If you want to vote for him, tonight would've given you no more reason not to. And if you're on the fence, I don't know... Are there really that many people genuinely on the fence? How big could this fence be?

You could see both of them working their notes from the last debate. Obama was too gracious last time -- so tonight he came out swinging. McCain was too angry last time, so tonight he was more soft-spoken and very free with the "My friend" and "my friends." At least he didn't say "maverick."

But we already know the next few weeks are going to be less about any policy distinction and more about character assassinations and vicious insinuation. And the reason we know that is because the Republicans told us. Publicly. They confessed that if they continue to talk about the economy, they will lose. So they've decided to ratchet up the personal attacks. (By the way -- is it really okay to say that out loud? Geez. And here McCain is worried Obama "telegraphed his punch" to Pakistan.)

I would have loved for someone from the audience to ask McCain to his face if he sincerely believes Obama "pals around with terrorists" or wants to "attack our own country." And if not, why does he allow that to be said in his name? When Sarah Palin works up a crowd with "Obama doesn't see the same America we do" to the point that and a guy yells out, "Kill him," and she -- to the best of my knowledge -- says nothing to quell the sentiment -- where is the sense of shame? How is fueling hatred and racial stereotype and appealing to the very worst in all of us -- how is that putting "country first?"

It's not. And regardless of how the election turns out Obama has already done this nation a huge service by raising the level of debate and showing -- by tireless example -- that we can be better than that.

And we are. People are at least now seeing this poison for what it is. And I really do believe that Good will prevail over Crap. I think the Best In Us is actually going to prevail over the Worst In Us.”

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Two Minute Hate

Nothing rallies the religious, family-values Americans to vote quite like fear and hate. This really is a desperate, "kitchen sink" type of approach. Everyone should pander to mob mentality (sarcastic). The ironic part is that speaking out against this hateful response would probably garner some votes for McCain. But he is so deluded by the Rovian tactics that have worked in the past, he is too blinded to see it.

and check this out...

Let's keep it classy Republicans. The McCain camp is actually writing this narrative. It's not the media's fault that it's a shitty narrative. And to McCain & Palin...Come on now, would Jesus say that?


Monday, October 06, 2008


The Ultimate Suck

I'm neither a Colts or a Texans fan but I HAD to post this. I actually feel bad for Sage. With that being said, I laughed my ASS off watching the last 4 minutes of this game yesterday. Why in the HELL did he jump like that? SLIDE mofo. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Who wants a free pony?


Well, we don't have any...but you should come to the show anyways.
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Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Cleaner


I finished “Unleashed” this morning. I have mixed feelings about this game. Did it do enough things right?

The good: Unleashing the force (throwing stormtroopers into walls-off a ledge-into force fields- etc.), The presentation, sound and a semi solid story.

The bad: The targeting system for the force, tedious boss battles with the inability to use some of the awesome force powers (you can pull a star destroyer from the sky but you cannot throw a dark trooper?) & interesting planets/locations that are really not fleshed out.

The ugly: Enemies can hit you when you are down (annoying), Horrible camera angles, The love story with Juno Eclipse (it’s never really developed for the “payoff” at the end) & puzzle elements that are trial & error.


*In tribute of House Peters (a.k.a. Mr Clean) taking a dirt nap…you should ALL bump Viktor Vaughn’s song of the same name today. At least once. Study your history…
LOS ANGELES (AP) — House Peters Jr., a TV actor who became the original Mr. Clean in Procter & Gamble's commercials for household cleaners, has died. He was 92.

The elder Peters' most memorable role came as Mr. Clean — a muscular man with a bald head, a hoop earring and a no-nonsense attitude toward dirt and grime. From the late 1950s and into the early 1960s, Peters helped advertise the famous household cleaner with the trademark jingle, "Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean."
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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Anti-Heroes UNITE!


Where was this when I was 10? Damn, that’s fly.

I’ve almost finished “The Force Unleashed”. I am so frustrated by it (bad camera angels, skee-wamp-is controls, a so so story”) but I’m on the last level and I’m come to far to stop.

You can bet I will roll this thing into "Fable 2"

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Righteous Anger

A true patriot...