Ok. Check out my weird ass dream from last night.
I'm on a family vacation type road trip/camp out. I remember my daughter, K and my mother being here specifically. The rest of the family members were all fuzzy like. Like looking through the eye thing at the DMV and trying to read the last line on the chart fuzzy. We are somewhere very green & forresty. Maybe North Carolina or Virginia. We spend most of our time on this voyage moving from one place to another because the wildlife will not leave us alone. That's right…we are being chased by buffalo and bears. There are other animals in tow as well but they are fuzzy too. The woodland residents don't wish to harm us. I just get the feeling that they are breaking our balls and that they enjoy toying with us. My mother asks me to take her car to the store even though she doesn't tell me why or what she needs there. I roll solo to this country type general store. I wander around in it. An Obama mug catches my eye and I go to pay for it. The cashier lady is some type of Peg Bundy rip off and she mentions to me that "I wish they would get rid of those types of people". She motions out the window. I see a house decorated with Obama campaign signs and some people out front enjoying a summer like day. I respond with "Whatever". I buy the mug. She acts like she is going to wrap it up nicely for me but she takes it and puts it on a shelf behind her. She goes about her business. I am annoyed by this. I go behind the counter and get it. As I'm leaving two younger men, teenagers approach me. They have been watching me since I entered the market. One of them asks me if "I speak English?". I quip with "Do I speak English? What do you think?" I'm REALLY annoyed now. I push past them. The other kid yells "well, I know you listen to techno-pop". I say "I guess then you have me all figured out". I leave the store. I walk around to the back of the parking lot. My moms car is hidden among the other patrons whips. I notice the door is open and the hood is up. I’m worried that the local bumpkins of this unknown place might have me stranded here for the day, maybe the weeks to come. Then I notice the stereo is blasting with some awful club song playing. Then I wake up.
When I woke up I made sure to write down as much of this as I could. I’m really not sure what any of this means? It left me feeling uneasy.
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