I pulled these of the net this morning. They are BOTH great reads and shows us that the Nolan’s craft their movies with care and intelligence. As far as the Dark Knight goes, I really like the part that suggests during the “ferry test” that…“There is probably some horrible twist that the Joker had in mind that would subvert them. Maybe each detonator was actually for their own boat“. WOA?, that didn’t even cross my mind. That’s some ILL ISHT and in this film the Joker seemed to be two steps ahead of everyone so this is completely possible. For the next movie, I thought a good choice for the villain would be the Riddler but treat him more like a zodiac killer-cipher making type of character but this guy NAILED it…“However, I think this calls for a new villain in the third movie of the trilogy: The Game Theorist. Much like the Riddler, but deadlier and requiring Batman to use mathematics to fight crime.”
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