One. Please sign the petition to bring back Mayor McCheese. When was he voted out of office? The same time around “Make It Mac Tonight”? (google that for some weird ass images). Was he bought off with McCheese checks? Is it because he was running the “Legion Of Dairy”? There was a time when I thought Mayor McCheese and Big Mac Cop were the same entity. Like maybe he freelanced at night as B.M.C. (alter ego). I was wrong, lost $10 bucks and my entire worldview was turned upside down. Here’s the link to the petition…
Two. The LOST season 4 ender was dope. I’ll write more on this soon. I got some of my predictions right and some wrong. Eff a spoiler! I’ll be in Minnesota for like a week starting June 9th…I’ll break it down then. I’d give it a solid 4 out of 5. If this thing ends up on the good foot after seix seasons it might go down as the best TV show EVER. Heroes aint got nothing on this!
Three. There was another shakedown at work. They let a person go from my shift and since there is only three of us, they reduced the workforce by 33.333% I’m sure they have a plan (not) to put someone in place that has an equal skill set (psyche) and things will run smoothly (right…).
Four. The Wize Guy is over 500 posts on the blog spot, BIOTCHES! I want to get a PODcast going now. Who’s in?
Five. Self High.
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