K-Dawg told me that Ed Brubaker and Joe Q. from Marvel were going to be on KRCL’s “Radioactive” program today. I was in the Blazer with the kiddo taking her to school and listening to the show at a little past noon today when they threw out the number to call in to ask Ed a question. I thought to myself…what the hell…and called in. Well, they got my name and what not and went right to me. I really wasn’t prepared at all for a) getting on the air or b) any type of question. After stumbling over some words I told Ed how I REALLY like the direction of “Daredevil” and asked why Captain America just basically “gave up” in issue 7 of Civil War. Ed corrected me and told me he didn’t write that…DUH! What was I thinking…it was MILLAR. I corrected myself and then he gave me a pretty good explanation of what their mind set was with “Civil War” and what Cap’s motivation might have been. I don’t usually get nervous but damn in this situation I was…REALLY NERVOUS. Ed suggested since I like “Daredevil” I should pick up “Criminal”. Why did I sleep on it in the first place? He also writes…The Immortal Iron Fist (with Fraction), Captain America & Uncanny X-Men.
BIG UP’S to K-DAWG for keeping me in the know…MUCH LOVE!
P.s. The archive of this show is at www.krcl.org (Radioactive, March 19th, 12pm-1pm). You can hear my nervous ass tripping over my words...Priceless!
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