Where do I start with this one? ok...I wasn't planning on getting this on launch date due to the fact that the games I want to pick up (Elder Scrolls 4, Too Human, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect) will not even hit the shelves until 06'. I was almost sucked into the frenzy...almost. All day long today I have been contacted by friends, colleagues, enemies, spies, etc on where they can go to find one and/or their horror stories of waiting in lines for over 12 hours to be told that they are all sold out. I looked on Ebay and some of these bloodsuckers who bought "more than one" are selling them for $700, $800...I even saw some for $1000. Now...I'm still rockin' my PSP. I can wait. But I feel sorry for those kids out there who are going to ask Santa for this one present (ala the Red Rider BB Gun) and it will play out in one of two ways. One...the parents will break the bank to get this puppy off of the Ebay or Two...the kid will be crying puddles on Xmas. My mom recently told me a story of how she had to bust her ass all over town to find an Optimus Prime for me when i was a chitlin (before the internet). I should have sent in a gizillion Mt Dew caps and won one...I could be buzzing off of Project Gotham Racing 3 right now (which by the way...has a NUMBS song on it...good plug huh?).

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