I know what you’re thinking.
He said he would write. He said he would take down his thoughts and present them for all of us to drink up and delight in. Words to indulge with and to appreciate the aftertaste. The tang and taint of his lexicon.
I have a good reason.
Really, I do. Well, not REALLY really but let me elaborate. 1st- I’m on twitter WAY too much so if you want to follow me there be my guest @markdago (I think that’s the addy?). At the end of this past year I decided that I would take the momentum that I had built up in 2009 and roll it over into twenty ten. As many of you know, I dabble with music. Actually, I’m in two groups and I go for self! And by my previous posts I have been building up to finally arrive at an end result. Lets just say I’m going zombie sick on everyone within reach this year. I will shamble up to your soon to be corpus delicti for brains jubilee. To grotesque?
I know.
With the immediate gratification of the mega-technology that you and I use day to day just to get by there is no excuse for postdated streams of fascination. We are all part of the same hive mind, we need to start acting like it. Disembodied consciousness aint got nothing on me!
In a nutshell, let us begin…
Numbs- We are mixing the first EP (there will be two of them in 2010). There will be eight songs on each episode. We have been tossing around name ideas and It’s either going to be called ‘Soul’ with the later one ‘Burn” or ‘Alpha’ with the latter being ‘Omega’. We are shooting for a 5/25/10 release on EP#1. And 10/05/10 for number two.
Dago solo- I have recorded nine solo songs and will be adding another two after my AP sessions next week (11!). I still have five to go. I’m pretty sure not every song will make it to the end. I always think less is more and 16 songs is A LOT to sit through. We’ll see what happens. I’m excited what we (yes…WE!) have put together. No solo outing is EVER done by one person alone AND I have always known but going through this musical journey I am now CONVINCED that I have the best friends in the entire meta-galaxy! Ever. Infinity.
The Gunnar, Shanty & Myself project: four songs done, four to go. 30 days to do it in. I'm up to the task. We have a name for the group BUT don't want to spoil it yet. Shanty is bringing the electro-chaos on this one!
Rotten Musicians- Fisch, Shanty & myself are going to be putting in work on a NEW Rotten EP this summer (5 songs?). It WILL be done and out in by the end August. I don’t want to spill da beans but song names, ideas, choruses have already been composed and EFFIN AWESOME doesn’t even begin to cover it. So much fun.
Ok. Onto others…
I finally decided to embark on my noveling journey in 2010 as well. I used the http://www.nanowrimo.org guidelines and after two months I sit @ 18,150 words! You are supposed to finish this thing in 50,000 words (180 page book) in 30 days so yeah after 60+ days I’m still 31,850 words short. Trying to balance the songs, life ISHT and this has been HECTIC. But, I love it! I need to hit 50 grr before Lex gets out of the 3rd grade in May. So, I’m shooting on wrapping it up by the end of April. Hold me to it! It’s only 16,000 words a month/533 words a day!
I do like what I’m writing (the novel) and in a weird round about way its beneficial the songs I’m penning. Go figure.
Lex is doing great! She has started watching LOST with me on Tuesday nights. She has her own theories about what is going on with it. She’s SO awesome. I love watching her mind work and listening to her honesty. I know all parents say this about their kids but man…was I blessed! An angel walking the earth. Her marks at school are ABOVE average and she has taken on a science club/type class in addition to her normal schedule. She says she is going to become a secret agent. That’s my girl!
K and myself celebrated our house (finally!). Friends and fam dropped in to check out the local apparitions and wandering souls. As well as put down some beer and pizza. I’m digging being a ‘Home Owner’. I love our house and our hood. Even though every now and then you get some departed spirit walking by murmuring to itself while holding a pickle jar filled with some nondescript golden liquid. Think Anton! (that bum from In Living Color circa 1990). It’s so good to be alive in marvelous times.
LOST…every good story needs to answer 'WHAT' questions as in: What happens? Certain kinds of mysterious endings are good, so long as they serve the mystery with a full plate of WHAT right before it. I don’t want ALL the answers. I’m ok with potentially infinite possibilities after the ending, but I need an ending that will provide enough WHAT to imply the range of infinite options from which to choose. Make sense? The ride won't matter if the coaster jumps tracks at the end.
Now remember…I have not abandoned you! Neglected, maybe. I will check in from time to time to kick my feet up and politic, be warned! Those spinning plates I’ve been balancing on sticks are going to come smashing down to the ground. Take cover or embrace it! Broken glass everywhere…
Peace, DAG!