Thursday, November 19, 2009

Americano Noir?

Where have I been? It seems like my mind, body & soul has been hijacked by Massive Dynamics. But like you, I'm above all the magic and mysticism. Ok, I've just been really, really busy. No excuse, I with time: never trust something you cannot measure.

I moved into my first house with E & K. There are still many jenga like structures in the garage that need unpacking like dragons need slaying (more on that later).

K spearheaded this whole thing. Kudos to her for her ways to improve US. Much love!

Roo was right 'free to move about in the backyard' and it's a great feeling. The home ownership thing is off with a bang.

The others that have consumed my life recently:

Music: I finished 7 solo songs/mixes, numbs has 16 tracks in the can, I want to finish a ds disc with Shanty & Gunz for the April Record day & RM completed a Roller Derby anthem.

Kid: 1 term of 3rd grade is over, she is nine now and wants 'cottonball skin'? So yeah, she's doing well.

Games: I hate/love this time of year. Way too many goodies appeal to my sweet tooth of gaming. I picked up the new Ratchet, Uncharted 2 & Dragon Age. This should keep me busy until the summer! Geez.

Work: I might apply for the 'supernatural world building' position. Maybe not.

I think my auto is almost done. We will talk some more shortly as I promise not to be away so long again...I leave you with this. The Americano drips with humorlessly self aware noir.

Drink up- Dago!

Ps. Numbs are playing in the Pro next week. Come on out and par-tay!

-- Post From My iPhone