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-Numbs rocking it LIVE on the "Play It As It Lays" show (KUCI 88.9 FM UC Irvine).
You experience sudden insights, make discoveries, come up with fresh solutions to old problems, and seek alternatives to the usual routine way of doing things. Your mental processes are speeded up and you move more quickly now. A non-stop flow of communication between yourself and the people in your immediate environment is likely. Try to make room for a lot of spontaneity and flexibility in your schedule at this time.
I cannot believe the hospitality of people in the LBC! Swiss, Dizzy and the Crew @ Iguana Kelly's made us feel at home this afternoon. Some of the outakes from the trip so far: Fat lady flying in the air, The Aids Monkey, Costa Mesa Arizona, "People get shot down there", Live mugging, "Do you need me to babaysit", "You're the one the driving, you get a double"...more later. The Pike is going to be ILL tonight. I'll post some pics. Cali is great. We rocked the KUCI "Play It As It Lays Show" last night...we will post some audio on the myspace when we get back to the 801. Stay Chill...DAG!
Left To Right...Top To Bottom
Me, Shawn and Chris on the "Timberland Twister" backwards flip off.
Shawn and Elektra and the Sunfish they caught.
Chicken Elektra
Elektra @ the MPLS zoo
Dago @ White Castle (I didn't eat there, poser!)
The goats at the zoo bashing skulls
My Dad's Cribo
Butterfly and Flower
Carlie The 1/2 Twin and Elektra
Goat eating my camera
Dago @ Spongebob Fishing pole
Elektra and Blue
The Neice, Nephew and E on the LIL' Ripsaw
Elektra early AM plane flight
“You will be socially active and your family life indicates happiness and contentment over all. It’s a good time to enter in to joint ventures and new projects. Most of your decisions are going to click and give you the desired results. Your imagination can run wild now. If you are an artist, this is a very inspired, fertile time for you. Spiritual inclination this week will be at peak. “
I’m off to Minneapolis in less then four hours…I’ll try to keep BLOGGING from the Twin Cities. I’m not I’ll be back on Friday the 13th!
Good evening, United States. Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as anybody. But in the spirit of commemoration, thereby those important events of the past usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful struggle, a celebration of a nice holiday, I thought we could mark this July the 4th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat.
There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.
How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, etc. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the current Administration.
They promised you order, They promised you peace, and all they demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. It’s time to end that silence. It seems that I need to remind this country of what it’s forgotten. Fairness, justice and freedom are more than words…they are perspectives. So if you’ve seen nothing. If the crimes of this Government remain unknown to you then I would suggest that you allow the 4th of July to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see. If you feel as I feel. And if you seek as I seek. It’s time to implement the winds of change.
People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. No Justice, No Peace!
The NUMBS/UD show was dope times 10! When peeps come to a gig like this they need to get their cardio up (I know I do). Dizzy from UD called me earlier that day to “hang out” with us…it’s so GREAT that I work weekends and was unable to make it happen, so great. I figure since we are going to be in their hood in JULY they can show us the LBC. Their homies, HALFWAY HOUSE EMCEE’s came correct even without their regular DJ.
Swiss Precise (Halfway House Emcee’s) is looking out and helping us with some So Cal dates for the Mission Position. Next time I blog I should have the schedule set and everything lined out.
Rotten Musicians had an interesting time at the X-96 4-Play. Some people are in the know while others know not. I was Steady Mobbin’ with the DOOKIE chain on. It was fly cuz you aint or something like that. It breaks my heart to say…we didn’t win. The Brobecks will carry the torch on and on. A new ROTTEN song is going to be recorded on July 16th. All you need to know is that Larry is back, you don’t need to know why…check out the ROTTEN performance ON DEMAND if you have the Comcast.
Other MISC music ISHT…
We threw down the theme song for “A Game” for Tau and Alema . We have known these guys for many, many years since Raw Style. I used to joke Tau about his brother being on the NEWS and his brother is STILL on the news! Crazy…Another opportunity, things are coming along but we need to push it along. Here is the link to the program…
Lot’s of gigs on the horizon so keep checking the for updates.
9 to 5: Kappa Roll Thursdays is in full effect since Café Trang opened by my workplace. There is a Harmonious balance of giving and receiving, of talking and listening, positive and negative, heroes and villains, etc. Game recognize game.
Day to Day: July High will be on very soon…a hectic month ahead. I’m headed to MNPLS on the 8th until the 13th. I dig the Twin Cities. The people, the culture, the feel is good up there. My dad hasn’t been feeling well and it’s been a minute since he has seen Elektra. The Mission Position will be rolling through SO CAL and VEGAS at the end of the month.
My horoscope for the day is VERY fitting…
“This is a busy time; communicating and getting in touch with others is very likely. Numerous phone calls, letters, meetings, errands, or discussions bring you into contact with others. This is a good time to brainstorm with others, share ideas, and come to a group consensus. Most of your decisions are going to click and give you the desired results. Spiritual inclination this week will be at peak”
Likes: MUSIC!…“Stronger” by Kanye West (you tube the video, INSPIRING!), “The Game” by Common (he KILLS this Primo track), Julio Child ( & the Kwik-E-Mart.
Dislikes: The United States Government. It’s time for a revolution…No justice, No peace!
*Extra Bonus*
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BEER robot
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Disney’s main street in LEGO’S!
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