Monday, June 18, 2007

Haiku Reviews

Star Wars: Robot Chicken
Big Wet Kiss For Fans
Power Converters Are Hot
Jar Jar Still Sucks Ass

Oceans 13
A Guilty Pleasure
Instant Disposable Charm
Have Fun Watching It

Spiderman 3
Villains, Heroes Cry
Plays To Much And Not Enough
Smells Like Symbiote

A good quote…

"Rap music is garbage,” KRS-One says. “What has happened over the past few years is that we have traded art for money, simple and plain, and the public is not stupid"

…And enjoy the COOLEST picture of the known Universe, courtesy of NASA…

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Monday, June 11, 2007

So, who got whacked?

I went to Facts’ “Soprano” party this past Sunday night. This was a great shin dig and I was in good company. We all watched one of the best dramas ever come to an end or did it? At first we all thought the cable went out and then the credits began to roll. Feelings were thrown around the room: disappointment, befuddlement and even rage. Were the creators trying to be audacious and thought…this will REALLY piss people off. Well, it did. I slept on it. Was it disappointing? Did they end it this way so the show stayed true to itself? Did the audience get whacked? OR did Chase want us to write our OWN ending? Think about it…some people wanted Tony to die, some people wanted him to be hauled off by the Fed’s, etc. Life goes on, art goes on. I don’t know what’s going to happen in my life. Do you know what’s going to happen in yours? This being said, I still wish the ducks would have come back.
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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The Oath

The orientation ritual in most families happens when a man becomes an associate, and then, a soldier. The neophyte is brought together with at least three "men of honor" of the family and the oldest member present warns him that "this House" is meant to protect the weak against the abuse of the powerful; he then pricks the finger of the initiate and spills his blood onto a sacred image, usually of a saint. The image is placed in the hand of the initiate and lit on fire. The neophyte must withstand the pain of the burning, passing the image from hand to hand, until the image has been consumed, while swearing to keep faith with the principles," solemnly swearing "may my flesh burn like this saint if I fail to keep my oath."

“Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, 'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven.' Such is the rule of honor“.
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