Thursday, March 30, 2006

Tao Of The Week(end)

Believe it! My vehicle died on I-80 again yesterday. It was towed back to the Firestone in downtown SLC. As of now, it is still up on a rack. They have theories of what is wrong with it but they won't know for sure until they run the 50th diagnostic test on it tomorrow. Hence, I am without transportation yet again. I snapped at EVERYONE yesterday because I was Sooooo frustrated (a.k.a. PISSED OFF). I yelled at my Mom, Tonie, my Brother and Elektra. Later on that same day Elektra came up to me and said "Daddy, I feel upset when your car is broken down too". That threw me for a loop. She is too smart. I apologized to her for being jerkish and I also called everyone I vented at and apologized to them too. I appreciate my family and friends and sometimes I forget to use a little empathy. It's not all about me. A saving grace to the happenings of Wednesday the 29th was that "LOST" was awesome. Especially like the last 20 minutes of it. This pic is a map of what was on the blast doors that came down on Locke's legs. This show is a TRIP. Here is some TAO for you...

"Sincere words are not sweet, Sweet words are not sincere. Good men are not argumentative, The argumentative are not good. The wise are not erudite, The erudite are not wise. The Sage does not take to hoarding. The more he lives for others, the fuller is his life. The more he gives, The more he abounds. The Way of Heaven is to benefit, not to harm. The Way of the Sage is to do his duty, not to strive with anyone." Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

DAXTER, so far the best PSP game? I think so...

Is it true that "Daxter" is better then GTA Liberty City Stories, X-Men 2 & Lumines? Well, it depends on who you ask. This game feels ALOT like a "Ratchet And Clank" title and I'm only 22% into it BUT so far this is the best PSP game on the market. A SOLID platformer! and Elektra says he is brave! I'll let you know how it ends up. Right now I have to recharge the battery. "I know Kung Fu?". Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 26, 2006

I've gone GONZO!

So was a hell of a week/weekend. Shanty & I met with Angela (Slug Mag) and I would say we got a solid "B" for our first PODCAST recording. We have to record it again due to some technical issues and what not. We have decided to go GONZO and get on with some GONZO type PODcasting. I had a show last night (Rotten Musicians) at POOHALL JUNKIES. It was my first time there and it was GONZO. Cheap drinks and cool peeps (especially that guy in the green shirt, he was GONZO!). I would GONZO like to play there again in the future. I have to wake up early and go to my GONZO job. Sometimes life can be a GONZO ball buster. Later- DAG! (gonzo...o). Posted by Picasa

Something Like This...

My Blazer died again on Thursday (Fuel Pump). Good news, it's working again and my pops helped with the bill. Bad news, It cost me around $700. Posted by Picasa

"Heavy Handed"

Another LONG weekend has come to an end. I went to Provo this past Thursday night. As you can tell from the picture I met up with Rooster and Rick. I am getting lyrics together for a NUMBS song called "Heavy Handed". I'm hoping to record my parts for it this THURSDAY. We are going to try and finish up "Train Music" as well. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 23, 2006

He put the POWER in FORWARD...

It was good to see all the support in the beehive state for the Mailman tonight. They BOOed Larry Miller though. I'm so glad they went with the RETRO JAZZ jersey on the statue. I have been a Karl Malone fan since I was a snotnosed kid. I got to meet this guy a couple of times. Once when I was in the "Junior Jazz" (a elementary basketball league in Utah). He signed a poster for me and a ball. As a matter of fact I still have the poster hanging on the wall RIGHT next to me as I write this. The second time was at the Salt Lake International Airport when I was picking up my Uncle Vinny. As we passed Malone my Uncle was like "Is that Karl Malone?" and I said yes. He walked right up to him and started talking trash. Keep in mind, my Uncle Vinny barely makes it over the 5 foot mark. Malone did nothing other then laugh and smirk. My Uncle came back over to me. I was like "what are you doing?". Malone passed us and said it was good to see such passion in a sports fan and for us to have a nice day. It was CLASSIC! Malone was the best to play at his position and it SUCKED to see him go to the Lakers those last couple of years (but he was chasing a dream, can't hate on that). I have many good memories of family and friends when I think of the Jazz circa 89'-98'. Especially when Stock hit that shot in Houston to send them to the finals. The NUMBS CASTLE about came falling down. I wouldn't trade it for anything. and the dopest thing...I now live on Karl Malone Drive (100 south). I can never move! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Jazz by 8, still 3 games under .500

I went to the Delta Center tonight in Salt Lake City to check out the Suns Vs Jazz. The Jazz won. It was a great game. Boozer and Memo had double-doubles, Deron Williams was tenacious and didn't turn the ball over once and Elektra was SCREAMING for Kirilenko the whole time (he ended up with 22 points, 18 rebounds, 1 assist, 2 steals and 4 blocks). He is a witch! They are still 3 games under five hunny and that last playoff spot seems to get further and further away. If Sloan can play his starters a consistent 30-40 mins a game here on out then it should be close (or in the very least interesting). They had the Karl Malone statue out in front of the DC. It was wrapped up tighter then a Xmas gift. Oh and the Jazz Bear jumped through a flaming ring and dunked the ball. Elektra thought that was amazing. Laters-DAG! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 18, 2006


I got the chance to see "V For Vendetta" tonight. I am a funny book geek. It's good to know that some people still take storytelling and ideas seriously. Think if this, all in one year...Sin City, Batman Begins & now...V! Possibly some of the best "comic book" movies ever made. I know for every one of these you get a "Spawn" or an "Elektra" but I can eat up this manifesto anyday. Some words that came to mind walking out of the theatre: Intelligent, Innovative, Entertaining, Emotional, and Thought Provoking. I can only hope X3 and Superman Returns don't suck. Oh and by the way, What happened to Natalie Portman in the Star Wars prequels?- DAG! Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 17, 2006


Ok. I got a call from Fisch today at my work. He asked me if Gunnar had drawn any "grossies" of me lately. I said well...there was this one time when he drew me with a baby tee on and another time when he drew my head with big hoop earings and called me "King Rap" but nothing lately. He stumbled across this picture of me on the web. Not only that but an article and you can read it here... NOW, this is weird on so many levels. One-I have NO IDEA who drew this picture or wrote the article about me. Two-It's pretty life like. Three-Am I a Ghostbuster or something? Happy Saint Patricks Day!!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Rotten Musicians (Gold Chain Tour 3/10/06)

It's like the Electric Light Parade only not in California and not at Disneyland. Posted by Picasa

Pictures From The "Gold Chain Tour"

From left to right- K-Money's Brother, DJ Steve, DJ Shanty, Mike Danner & MadMan. Posted by Picasa

We Think We Raw

From left to right- Casual, Mark Dago & DJ Shanty. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Rotten Musicians @ Kilby Court (Salt Lake City, UTAH)

Well, the national band we we're supposed to open up for did not make it to the gig tonight(damn you Mother Nature!). Hanger 18 is probably still somewhere on I-70 as I type this. The peeps at Kilby Court still let us JAM and run through our set. There is a nice cozy vibe at the court and it felt like circa 1998-1999 when we used to freestyle for hours at this little warehouse in Provo, UT. I miss those Carlo Rossi days but I still have a HOT DOG style. The "Gold Chain Tour" with Planet Asia, Rasco & Casual is this Friday up in the P.C. I'll report in then- DAG! Posted by Picasa

The After Party

We got loose after the taping by playing paddle ball, posing like youre in a J Crew catalog and screaming at the ceiling. I turned the mixed CD-R into Angela (Slug Mag) this afternoon. I hope she digs it. We want to do ALOT more of these. We don't have a myspace set up for the show yet (coming soon) but our email is send us some COOL-FUNKY FRESH ideas. I'll let you know when you can download this MP3 disaster into your POD's! Posted by Picasa

The Guest

Daniel Fischer aka Daniel Tiger aka Scarecrow aka "Dave". His hand: A thumbs up sign. Posted by Picasa

The Equipment

Left To Right- KORG D8, CAN headphones, Shure 58 mic, Stanton CD Mixer, Shanty's Mixer, Sony headphones. Under the table- Shanty's pedal looper. Posted by Picasa

The Arcade Noise Mix Show is in the building

Well, actually it's in Shanty's house. We recorded the pilot episode of our PODcast for Slug Magazine ( this past Tuesday night. As you can tell from this picture its low to no budget. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Ash Wednesday

40 days before Easter. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lent season. This is a period of spiritual discipline, fasting and moderation. If you are a "Holiday" Catholic as I am of now then this is one of the 3 days out of a calendar year you cannot miss. The ash cross on my forehead is a symbol of repentance. Dust to dust. I went to Provo today. I got to catch up with Rick and then Tober & Gunnar. Gunnar seems to be doing ALOT better. I have a show with Rotten Musicians tonight @ Liquid Joe's. Before I hit the gig I plan on having a grilled cheese & some HOT Tomato Basil soup. MMMmmmm good- DAG! Posted by Picasa