I went to a preview screening of "Corpse Bride" last night over at the Jordan Commons. The possee consisted of Elektra, Tonie, Shanty, Jana, Chris Controller, Dana and Myself. We saw the new Harry Potter trailer before the main event and that thing looks INTENSE. I haven't read ANY of the books and I really liked the last movie (Azkaban) but this one looks like it could be the best yet. Now..."Corpse Bride" is a great fairytale and an instant classic. I like 3D animation (pixar) but there is something real and fresh about stop motion that is done well. I don't want to spoil any of this flick for you so go and see it! It's all there...imaginative characters, goth style sets, humor, inspired songs and in time (as "Nightmare Before Christmas" is to me) this should become a Halloween favorite. One of the best so far this year.