Thia would be a good one to have in your WAX collection. Is that a bakery in the castle entrance? I think they are going to reissue this LP...they can sell it right next to those $9 corn dogs...I'd throw down for it.
I am leaving on my California adventure today. I should be back on July 3rd. I can't wait to hit the beach...This is a picture of Redondo...I might not be able to add BLOG updates for a week. Savor this picture.
Here we come Torrance! Do they sell these at the Del Amo Fashion Center? This would make a great souvenier!
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Rotten Musicians @ Burt's Tiki Lounge (June 21st 2005)...this a collage of pictures from last nights gig. Thanks again for coming out you angels!
Friday, June 17, 2005
This is a picture of Burt's Tiki Lounge (726 South State Street) in Salt Lake City, UT. We (Rotten Musicians) are playing here on Tuesday (6/21) w/Ouija Radio ( Tickets are $7 (kinda spendy huh?). Come one, come all...this is Sooooo Bitchin' Camaro!
How ya like my girls
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I need to get some new kicks for the Cali trip...Any ideas?
I went to see "Batman Begins"...My first impression is that this is the BEST Batman movie made to date (and yes...I've seen the others). I need to go and see it again...damn it was FRESH. They should run the "Hush" idea for the second round but I don't think that is in the cards (for those of you who have seen it). Bad JOKE huh? Ok...I'll stop.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
We are just 3 days away from "Batman Begins". I have HIGH hopes for this. I hope NOLAN doesn't let me down (Memento & Insomnia are tight flicks). Do you think they will run a midnighter for this one on Tuesday?
Hey Kaptain...Yeah.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
J-Live is Da Man! Really he is...I've seen this guy twice now and both times i've left the gig impressed. If you don't know about this guy you should ( His new LP drops on July 19th. No disrespect to Can-Ox or C Rays Walz?...but yeah...I would have been into that like 6-8 years ago. I'm not the backpacker I once was.
I got to party with The Agents last night at Shaggy's in Downtown SLC. Go easy on those AMF's Everest, Fackts "Usher" impression was prolific and Brisk had me doing jumping jacks to the Black Eyed Peas. Yeah...It was a blast!
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
This just in...Numbs "The Art Of The Strike" aka another burner with Gunnar McKell's top knotch delivery will be featured music in the Xbox 360 title...Project Gotham Racing 3. Ladies and Gentlemen! Start your engines...this game is set to hit 11/1/05. Big ups to Tyler B @ Position Music for the hook up! I hope the 360 will be backwards compatable, either way...I'm DOWN!
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Yes...that's right! I am DEEP THROAT! Are you getting the feeling that the ONLY reason that this is such a big deal is the fact that news anchors around the world can say "Deep Throat" a million times and there is no FCC violation? What a bunch of hypocrites! Oh yeah...and if you're living in the 801 that Super Del Shanze fiasco is pretty entertaining as well.